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  1. Auburn in 2011 comes to mind.
  2. Not sure it would really grab their attention. There's quite a bit of philosophical and religious stuff which they might find boring or hard to understand.
  3. imo the second book is pretty weak. Herbert admitted as much before he died. I'd probably go 1st book then 3rd book, then 4th book then the last two with Dune Messiah closer to the bottom. I've also read most of his son's Dune books that he co-wrote with Kevin Anderson and they aren't bad at all. More so the ones which try to continue the story where it left off then the ones which give back story though the one talking about the machine revolution was good imo. They aren't that long either. You can easily read one a week. I recommend to anyone to finish the original 6 by Herbert sr and to finish the story as written by Herbert jr which is largely patterned after outlines done by his dad.
  4. It might be Lombardi with only 96.
  5. Catching lightning in a bottle at a smaller school isn't that hard I would say. I can sit here and rattle off probably a dozen guys who did great things at some tiny fcs school over 2-3 years and parleyed that into a job at a much bigger program then proceeded to either fail miserably with better recruits and a much bigger fb budget or just be mediocre before eventually getting canned.
  6. Guessing some of those wins got vacated?
  7. I'd say if anything tosu shot themselves in the foot a few times or else Clemson would have gotten blown out. Clemson didn't play bad but they showed up when they needed to and pulled out the win.
  8. I didn't say they had won all of them. Only that all of them have been played in NO.
  9. Pretty sure lsu is 5/5 in playing all of their national title games in NO.
  10. In the mind of espn they did win.
  11. Texas has already been mediocre for long. He left tosu ready to cruise into the playoff as the #1 team in the committee's rankings. Rhule and ou can both go eat dicks together.
  12. I think he is just waiting for a serious offer from sc or ut and that's it. Until then he can just cash checks to sit in the studio. I think he'd also go to nd if they offered but they are probably too holier than thou to go down that road.
  13. Bitch ass player kissing motherfucker.
  14. That sounds like something Pelini might do.
  15. I think it was a combination of his on field meltdowns and 9 wins a year not being good enough for Nebraska. I am pretty sure he won 9 or more games every year he was there though.
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