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Everything posted by Surlybastard

  1. psu didn't clear house so much as they were forced to build a new one because their previous house had completely burned down around them.
  2. They dragged their heels as long as they possibly could before their president, AD and another guy all got charged with serious crimes and two of them I believe got sent to jail. Even then as Tiger mentioned they still put Paterno's son on the BoT. Ohio St deserves some hate for all of this but even bringing psu into this or attempting to act like they in any way, shape or form did the right thing in how they handled it is like one of the craziest things I've ever seen stated on a football related message board.
  3. Brett is combing through Smith's tax returns as we speak.
  4. While all of that may be true only the stuff that happened on Meyer's watch at tosu is really relevant to whatever punishment he should get for the current coach incident or w/e we want to call it. I mean the other stuff doesn't make Meyer look good obviously but its not going to be part of the overall picture that gets drawn up by the investigative team looking into it for the university.
  5. How much outrage is the media really going to muster over this regardless? This isn't a Baylor/psu level of criminality/coverup or whatever you want to call it. Its something that should serve as a 'get your shit together or next time you might really be gone' sort of scandal tbh. I know some people love to see programs burn or at least get knocked down a peg or two and most everyone would love to see it happen with UM but I can't summon that much outrage over this. Its a coach who roughed up his ex wife and which the police looked into like a dozen times from what I see. The supposed crime committed here if you want to call it that was UM simply refusing to fire him based off the pics that leaked. So unless the police were covering for him I think that's where it ends. I think the Maryland scandal already has outdone this from where the media is sitting. Except for that fact that Maryland is Maryland and Ohio St is Ohio St.
  6. Pretty much everything I've heard since 1997 that is supposed to be new and people act excited about.
  7. Bland and stale seems like a fair enough description.
  8. Well that and at the end of the day KU has more than accepted their fate as a bb school. That's their bread and butter and I think they are ok with that.
  9. Wisconsin's whole reason for success though seems to be the pipeline of nfl caliber lineman they bring up in their state. So unless Iowa can match that I don't think they can hope to match what Wisconsin has been able to do since Alvarez resurrected them. Its not like Iowa is that far off though. Ferentz has won 10 games quite a few times since he's been there.
  10. Should ksu take a backseat to KU in fb? I don't know what basis that would be on. KU has had 100 years to develop a decent fb program and never could. Then the Wizard swooped into Manhattan and started peeling off 9-11 win seasons. At this point I think there's every reason for ksu to have higher fb expectations than ku regardless of ku's place as the flagship university in the state.
  11. Well sure at the end of the day he's still a pos. I just don't recall any pics which gave the appearance of him putting his fist through her face. It seemed more like pics of him grabbing her arms and one that had some blood on her elbow or something. Definitely inexcusable though nothing serious enough the police sought charges if i have this story reasonably straight.
  12. Perhaps but at this point I think expectations are about the same for the two programs. I mean I'm not sure that they should have different expectations. Two mostly rural states with pretty poor in state recruiting, not really close to any recruiting hotbeds. Not a lot of history or brand appeal. Cold snowy winters in Iowa in the middle of nowhere. I mean Ferentz just led Iowa to 12 wins a few years ago and almost never has a losing season. Is that really much to complain about if you are an Iowa fan?
  13. Lots of people would rather work until they die. My dad worked with plenty of engineers who worked into their 70's/80's and died while still employed at his company. I think Snyder has it pretty easy too compared to most coaches. He's basically a king wizard at ksu with the same expectations that Ferentz has at Iowa. Win 7-9 games most years, occasionally win 10. Bring in top 50 recruiting classes. If he can win 8 games a year he should stay as long as he wants. Besides, 80 is the new 60.
  14. Isn't there some gray area between what was shown in the pics and going full on smokin Joe Mixon on someone?
  15. Well on one hand its worse but on the other coaches with 3 championship rings just don't grow on trees. I wouldn't say Tressel is an average coach either. He has 5 rings himself. If average coaches can win 80-85% of their games at major programs then no program would ever have down years.
  16. While that's true and there's prob no doubt that Wexner will have the ear of the president and BoT if he wants it there's a chance they will be able to talk him into letting UM stay if he does a, b and c which might include helping raise money for Wexner's charity and other stuff. I mean if Wexner wants to throw his weight around he could prob get him canned. Its not a certainty he will though.
  17. Suspended for all press conferences leading up to the home opener?
  18. Not exactly apples to apples. I mean Meyer prob should be fired by next week but Baylor reluctantly fired Briles after covering for him and rapists for years and only did so after it was fire or have the university burned down by the ncaa. Ohio St. isn't quite in that same predicament and could prob even get away with just giving Urbs a 4 game suspension and the media would let it go after some moral high horsing.
  19. So you're saying can't fire them in a legal sense? I don't think that's the case here. Meyer could have fired him 3 years ago and not given him any reason for doing it before his wife was even sent the photos. I think he's just in a situation now where he tried to cover for him for too long and half of being a head fb coach nowadays is dealing with the pr side of things. Too much shit has hit the fan in recent years when it comes to college athletics and Meyer can't repair the damage that's already been done there. I think he's done at tosu but he'll be given another chance by pretty much any school that isn't one of the top destination spots.
  20. Well the twitter photos sent to his wife seem to be proof of the allegations. I mean its feasible that they were faked or from something else but photos are a definite form of proof in most cases. Especially given the history there.
  21. Had a feeling when this story first broke a month or so ago and Smith was fired that we'd end up here. I think its pretty much a formality at this point that Meyer is terminated or gets a decent size buy out.
  22. The real lesson is that edgy humor doesn't translate to social media well. If you are a stand up comic making edgy jokes people will generally come to see you expecting them and be ok with it. If you are just randomly saying edgy shit to try and get a laugh or rise out of people on your social media wall then expect to get crucified for it you are even semi famous. Honestly anyone over the age of 20 or 25 should know better.
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