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Everything posted by Surlybastard

  1. At home to a 6-6 Ole Miss team I believe.
  2. I think you could make an argument based on fsu only coming to prominence since the late 80's. Ya they started getting good in the late 70's but kind of disappeared for a few years before their 14 straight or w/e it was top 5 seasons. Their overall winning % is skewered by their fb program not coming into existence until like 1950. So really they've had about 30 years of relevance. So there is a rationale for including some of those sec schools but not fsu. I'd prob agree though on drawing the line at 9 on this list.
  3. What I love about Ted is his ability to play a character with seemingly no redeeming traits whatsoever yet he still has a strange charm to him. Of course off screen he was thought of as one of the nicest guys you'd ever want to meet. Genius of an actor.
  4. They've been doing weird shit with young kids for decades. Shirley Temple wrote about a studio exec coming into a room with her and dropping his pants before her mother came in back in the 40's or 50's. Hollywood has been full of full on child predators for longer than any of us have been alive.
  5. That's 95% of instagram and 75% of facebook in a nutshell.
  6. How did he avoid jail time?
  7. Its no different than when a fb program finds out one of its assistant coaches has some unsavory shit in their history. They get the axe rather than try to justify keeping them around. Often despite knowing about some of the said shit before it becomes public knowledge.
  8. That's the point I was making. Most of the time people don't care. Gunn needed to either go back and scrub his social media accounts or not say the shit in the first place if he wanted to be a big time blockbuster director. The other option was to just assume it would never catch up to him and that was a risk that bit him in the ass.
  9. There's literally thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people with an history of offensive stupid shit posted on their social media accounts. There's just a difference between known as a stand up comedian and being the director of a blockbuster franchise for the mcu/Disney. I mean idk where we draw the one but in the practical sense it isn't for we as a society to draw the line. Its for each company out there to draw their own line and for people who work in show business to get their own idea of where their line is that they want to be accountable for in the future.
  10. I feel like some people get tattoos(and keep getting them) just as a way of trying to lower other people's expectations for them as people. I think Manziel qualifies for this group.
  11. Sooner or later people are going to figure out that rape and pedophilia jokes are off limits as are comments which could be deemed as hateful toward a certain segment of the population with only some leeway if you are seen as a comedian. That's just the way things are now. People will learn to adapt or else face the full fury of the internet mob. The rules are kind of well known at this point though and can be enforced retroactively. So people need to learn how to cover their tracks better. Having said that, I can do without any more mcu movies directed by James Gunn. The last one was a cgi shit fest imho.
  12. Maybe Melo will be decent. I just don't see him as one of those old vets who will thrive on 20-25mpg like Ray Allen or some other guys. He has such an overblown view of his abilities even after he is clearly half washed up.
  13. Signing Melo and being excited about having him as a role player is basically the equivalent of being excited about having Albert Pujols as your dh. Except that Pujols was actually an mvp level player in his prime while Melo was just a guy leading teams nowhere. Melo is a guy who wasn't being asked to do much last year and was still horrible.
  14. The main thing I think he is missing is the mental fortitude aspect needed to win a major. You basically have to be able to grind it out four days in a row making very few mistakes and putting pretty well while dealing with the Sunday pressure. That was the thing that really used to separate Tiger from everyone else. You would almost never see him making bogeys because he would always find a way to get that par and then birdie every par 5. I think the last 5-10 years took a toll on him mentally and I don't think he can just block every thing out and focus any better than any one else out there. Except for maybe Duval.
  15. Being good enough to win and actually winning aren't really the same thing though. Tiger was good to enough to win at most majors from 2009-2014 or whenever he had his marital meltdown but didn't win any. Now he's a lot older with more surgeries behind him so I am not really expecting him to ever win another major. I'm sure he'll contend at one or two a year and might even win another but I'm past the point I would actually expect to see it happen again. Its been 10 years.
  16. Every team Kobe ever won a title with was a top 5 rebounding team in the league. That's a big part of why he could get away with how he played. A couple of them led the league. Shaq's ability to convert what would should have been a loss of possession into an easy two points was like a stomach punch to other teams.
  17. I feel like there's more space for new sw movies other than the two choices you are putting forward here. Couldn't they have done something a little original in both 7 and 8 while not giving us Rey as female Anakin and allowing Luke to be a badass and having a story which both makes sense and doesn't feel like a retread of ep 4 or 5? Shouldn't that be somewhat possible or am I thinking too much of modern writers/Hollywood?
  18. Have to keep in mind that at that weight all it takes is one clean shot. Miocic wasn't prepared to defend the style DC was using. DC just kept nailing him with those jabs because Miocic wasn't keeping enough distance and prob underestimated Cormier's power to some degree. Jones uses kicks to keep Cormier at a safe distance and wears him down and clinches if they get close. Miocic wasn't doing either though kicks aren't really in his repertoire.
  19. I agree in the sense that I think there are 4 things Leach is really known for as a coach in this order: 1. offenses which put up tons of pass yards/points 2. playing shit ooc schedules 3. having shit defenses most years 4. that one magical 11 win season At the end of the day he's a good coach. Not a great one or some kind of miracle worker. He's entertaining though so it gives him bonus points in how he is generally perceived by fans.
  20. I think we are going to see a part 2 to these two in about 6-9 months.
  21. Caught him with his weight moving slightly forward and that was it. Jones key to beating Cormier was his kicks could always force DC to start moving from about 6-8 ft away and would immediately clinch if they got close. Miotic was too close and kept getting popped by DC's jabs.
  22. This could be one of those fights you are glad to see go 5 rds though. Should be an interesting fight I think. 2 of the best of all time imo.
  23. He's gonna crucify them in the post event interview.
  24. Lewis was shaking his head like he thought he didn't even deserve the win.
  25. I think Stipe took away Nagannou's confidence.
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