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gmr548 last won the day on May 5 2020

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  1. If the Bears think he's not any good he's probably a pro bowl caliber RB.
  2. Yed. Ted Cruz/Greg Abbott vs. Dan Patrick/Sid Miller Republicans buy basketball teams too.
  3. It a also assumed migration trends during COVID will remain in place, and at a similar pace to 2021-23. Not likely. Population decline in CA has leveled off. I don't think they are losing four EVs. And I don't think FL is going to keep up the pace. Also Texas will be solidly in the battleground state camp by 2032 with that kind of continued population growth, which I do think is more likely. Although the state government could disenfranchise en masse.
  4. It's the aggy of Mississippi. How could that be anything but the expectation?
  5. Who's underrating that? That's the closest thing to a chalk, generic D vs R presidential election in the current landscape.
  6. This would constitute a Democratic EV win of the SEC footprint, which would be hilarious.
  7. Not a day goes by that I don't regret simply grifting MAGA for a living. The funny thing is I assume you're saying this from TX, which leads the nation in new renewable development by a wide margin and where the grid was effectively stabilized this year due to the expansion of wind/solar/battery infrastructure. Great intel. Thanks for sharing. One thing I'd add is that if your friend's confidence in MI (and WI by implication I assume), AZ, NV, and GA are correct, PA's actually not the tipping point. The election is already over if she turns out correct. Though I have a hard time imagining Harris underperforming among black men to the extent it costs her PA, while still winning GA.
  8. Okay sure but have you considered the fact that he is not white?
  9. As a dipshit, I take offense to being lumped in with those dipshits.
  10. This is where you and mom turn to the kids and say "I want you guys to remember how crazy grandma sounds right now. This is what happens when you go down weird internet rabbit holes."
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