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Everything posted by gmr548

  1. Let's just say you can't understand it from the outside looking in, and you can't explain it from the inside looking out.
  2. 11 with the actual embodiment of stuntin' on hoes lmao
  3. OL isn't doing much better either. Also Tessitore has really dialed the abject shouting up to 11, Jesus.
  4. Okay, but like, hypothetically...?
  5. Real talk, keep an eye on the weather and hydrate. Yeah yeah I know light beet is mostly water. But really, it'll still be hot mid-September, liable to be 90 degrees and muggy at evening kickoff. It could also be fairly pleasant, mid-September to mid-October is really schizo season. Probably won't be super well acclimated to that kind of heat, at that time of year, coming from the east coast. El Chilito is a really good breakfast taco/burrito/coffee joint, couple locations just east of 35. White people-ified, but good.
  6. I was born in 92 so I have no memory of the election but my mother voted for Trump in 2016, and has since turned around and voted for Beto, Biden, and fucking figured out how to pull up a live stream (this woman routinely locks herself out of her email or Amazon or whatever) to support Kamala. In one of our many "How can you be serious about voting for Trump?" conversations my mom harkened back to the whole Hillary not baking cookies thing. Some nonsense about Hillary not being a "real mom" and looking down on women like herself, who were. Made no sense and was obviously the right wing outrage machine finding a way to strike a chord with my mother in light of her own issues, but that has really stuck with me as an example of just how extreme the coordinated media campaign against HRC was. She telegraphed her ambitions and Republicans spent years laying the foundation to prepare for her inevitable presidential candidacy. Kamala may well pay some electoral tax as a woman, particularly a black woman, but she has a shot at making that a net neutral because the same advanced outrage machine just does not exist for her. Not in the very personal sense it did for Hillary Clinton anyway.
  7. FIFY
  8. There is some of this going on up here in the PNW. Volunteer groups to phone bank and canvass in swing states. Texas won this game and has only beaten OU twice since.
  9. @Creasy Bear is going to throw the fight for this
  10. "Well, honey, her approval rating was like 40%, but a widely-loathed, obese 78 year-old had folks like my friend Creasy Bear so unbelievably cucked that the idea of running anyone else was somehow unfathomable even if it meant near certain victory. So normal people took a look at the weirdos, the aggy, the men wearing spray tans, and the aggy weirdos wearing spray tans, and noped the fuck outta there."
  11. I'm sure he's done the whole blow a rando in an airport mens room right of passage like a good Family ValuesTM Republican. Trap had to open for that I suppose.
  12. You haven't had sex in years and it is painfully obvious.
  13. Even if it were true, who cares? She is still by far the most competent option. The thing about politics is you have to win elections. Harris is ultimately where she is now because she got more votes than the other guy and kept doing so in progressively higher profile elections. This is an especially weird angle to take because the guy you're on here cuckolding yourself for has literally never gotten more votes than the other guy, or gotten anything on his own. A nepo baby found liable for sexual assault. Net negative 10MM votes over two elections. Do you think it'll be 15MM or 20MM after three? Maybe try getting your party to put up a more appealing option. Until then, cry more like the triggered bitch you are.
  14. The whole strong "supporting Isarel's right to defend themselves" bit is code for no chance of reconsidering supplying arms, never having an actual red line, etc. It is what it is. It isn't like I'm going to vote Trump over it. It's about what I expected from her and like I said, she delivered the message very well and I recognize I'm in the minority. I think it was a great speech overall. I'm somewhat ambivalent about a Harris presidency but she is shaping up to be a fantastic presidential candidate.
  15. If they (Trump campaign) let him, they want to lose.
  16. She made a point to straddle the fence and essentially stake out two positions that are at least somewhat at odds when you go more than an inch below the surface. I am referring to one side of that. No more, no less.
  17. I found the Israel support nauseating but I recognize I'm not necessarily in the majority on that issue. She unquestionably delivered it well.
  18. I'm pretty sure she can make that promise re: the border bill because the odds of it ending up in front of her are, uh low. But that bill was terrible policy and I hope it never sees the light of day again. I would be pretty upset if she did in fact sign it.
  19. She's making promises she can't keep with regard to lowering the cost of living but that's politics.
  20. I've never really watched her give a speech. She is an extremely gifted speaker. Maybe not Obama level, but not far off.
  21. Never really occurred to me until now but...
  22. Is he a JAG to take some empty calorie carries on the shitty half of the schedule? Yes. Am I pumped about that like landing a 5 star recruit? Also yes.
  23. I would be shocked if thin majorities in WI/MI/PA/AZ passed it to be honest. They are the kingmakers right now.
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