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  1. You know Haley’s an OC, right? Boomer
  2. 38-30 will be the score. See y’all at the Cotton Bowl. Let’s make this rivalry great again.
  3. Thanks Chip! Its nice that both of our programs are really pushing nationally and especially into the SEC states. The rivalry is going to be crazy over the next several years.
  4. I know y’all hate the Sooners (no shit) but can we create some sort of Big 12/ OU Texas rant? We have the best rivalry in the country. It permeates throughout the region. It would be cool to have some connected banter throughout the fan bases in the region. The dog days of summer are killing me.
  5. Holeeeeyyy shit 9 dv’s within 30 seconds. Love you guys!! Here’s to the best rivalry in sports!!
  6. Gross
  7. I thought OU had a chance as well. He was playing the game. Price you pay going after those So. Cal. kids. Damn near always USC locks.
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