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Horn Under a Bad Sign

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Horn Under a Bad Sign last won the day on October 14 2021

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  1. Trump's former nominee for Attorney General re: "Marshall" law:
  2. Some people find professional wrestling and the entire sideshow that goes with it to be entertaining. I find it moronic, just like I find Skattebo moronic.
  3. Just because I don't know where to put this and SIAP, but T'vondre Sweat is awesome.
  4. Are you kidding? #77 literally grabs Skattebo and throws him over his own falling body toward the goal line. It's clear as can be.
  5. On the other hand, by this time next year, me and my posse of folks with TexAgs socks are going to be claiming that, last year, Billy said that Elko is the next Dan Campbell and that A&M is the new Lions. Watch and learn.
  6. That's a lot of words to say "We suck. We have always sucked. We always will suck. It's tradition."
  7. I can't think I've ever seen a walk out of these proportions. I guess the good thing is that the Sooners can promise immediate playing time to anybody who signs up.
  8. Not to mention he put on the greatest concert in Washington D.C. history ... maybe the greatest concert in world history.
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