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Horn Under a Bad Sign

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Everything posted by Horn Under a Bad Sign

  1. Is that in your mind somehow relevant?
  2. 15. Including during the Trump administration.
  3. He called him a whiny little bitch three weeks ago. "That’s why I’m always saying to the Trump people, you think he’s so macho, and you’re the big tough guys, but the basic tough thing that a tough guy would do is be able to say I lost and not pout, and not be a whiny little bitch,” Maher said.
  4. Holy shit. These people are psycho.
  5. Straight out of central casting.
  6. Shouldn't they tell Trump first?
  7. Rex Kramer? Factually incorrect? I refuse to believe it!
  8. Lopez walked right into that.
  9. You have to love those good Christians who are willing to forgive rape if a woman is wearing shorts because, after all, she asked for it. There's very little difference between Conservative Islam and Evangelical Christianity.
  10. Forunately, leprosy is curable. Unfortunately, Florida isn't.
  11. Three presidents walk into a bar, and not one of them talked about their indictments or having to sell trashy gold sneakers or Bibles to pay their legal bills.
  12. I love how Trump's basically re-enacting the Bible-selling scene from Paper Moon but his followers are too stupid to realize it.
  13. Oh yeah? Noted security expert General Mike Flynn has a response to you, buddy!
  14. Noted shipping/transportation expert and structural engineer Lara Logan needs to go back to Egypt.
  15. It seems to me that the first step in the process would be to not go to bars. He had the world at his feet. Another cautionary tale.
  16. "I'd rather have him inside the tent pissing out than outside the tent pissing in." ----- LBJ when asked why he wouldn't consider forcing J. Edgar Hoover to resign
  17. Alex Jones: "Looks deliberate to me. A cyber-attack is probable. WW3 has already started."
  18. Alex Jones: "Looks deliberate to me. A cyber-attack is probable. WW3 has already started."
  19. Rupar is on fire on Twitter this morning. From Maria Bartiromo trying to link the bridge collapse to illegal immigrants to conservatives trying to link it to DEI to Nancy Mace ... he's got it all.
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