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Horn Under a Bad Sign

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Everything posted by Horn Under a Bad Sign

  1. Man, no kidding. He's on a different level than anybody else at the moment. Glad to see Sepp getting some support. What an awesome sport. The premise ("you go from point x to point y in the fastest time) is so readily understood, but the tactics and strategy and luck are nuanced enough that it takes a lifetime to understand.
  2. That third leg was incredible.
  3. "She's a RINO" is trending on Twitter. Why? Because Lisa Murkowski demonstrated a very basic level of understanding of sanity, so the bots are rejecting her due to an insufficient level of batshittery. A woman threatens to leave the GOP because its leader rapes women. Keep shrinking that base, MAGA!
  4. They couldn't even get the hand count right in their own primary in Gillespie County. "The election was a low-profile party primary, but stakes are high. Gillespie County Republicans, led by Campbell, decided months ago to hand-count more than 8,000 ballots. Experts agree and studies show the method is time-consuming, costly, less accurate, and less secure than using machines, but local Republicans, citing unsupported concerns about the accuracy of voting machines, were determined to try and show otherwise. Workers recruited and trained by the party counted until the early hours of the next morning, and declared the effort a success. Proponents of hand-counting are now touting GIllespie as a model." https://www.texastribune.org/2024/03/19/texas-republican-hand-count-election/
  5. This is extremely encouraging: while Trump and the RNC appear to be close to broke, Biden and the Democrats are sitting on 153 million in cash and picked up 53 million more just last month. https://apnews.com/article/election-2024-biden-campaign-fundraising-b108bb7e26ec765917ec2f6d6a04bcda
  6. This is a winning strategy from now to November. The Democrats just keep need to keep saying "Trump keeps asking if we are better off than we were four years ago. Let's take a look at 4 years ago today. 4 years ago today, the supermarkets were in chaos as people were fighting over toilet paper" or whatever horrendous thing happened on this date in 2020. Just keep repeating that Trump keeps asking if we are better off than we were four years ago. I'll bet Trump doesn't ask that question again, but, yeah .. it was four years ago this week that COVID hit in earnest, so every day over the next 6-8 months four years ago is going to have really sucked. Just keep bashing Trump over and over with "better off than you were four years ago?"
  7. Here's the most hilarious thing: Trump was gifted 500 million dollars by his dad and now, despite the fact that the dollars are inflated, he can't even come up with the money his dad gave him.
  8. It's not cheating when you're the President. You have immunity.
  9. Even were all that he said true, it seems like that's something I would consider might happen if I (checks notes) get filmed beating a policeman, run home to brag about it on social media, and post "I was the leader of Liberty today. Arrest me."
  10. Trump started out with 475 million dollars. Maher's parents were a news editor and a nurse. I can't believe you guys are slamming a video in which Maher says "Trump, you're still not allowed to steal an election, even if the person who caught you has a boyfriend." Strange times.
  11. Good thing Jimmy Two Times didn't say "just" development.
  12. The Saudis will eventually own everything on the planet.
  13. Jonah Williams keeps showing out. He's Fonged to OU. What's up with that? Looking at Kelshaun Johnson's HUDL ... I don't want to say he's Xavier Worthy but he's pretty damn quick.
  14. He has a net worth of 140 million dollars.
  15. I've been fishing for 50+ years. Today I learned I've been doing it all wrong. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2zvCQKArnK/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
  16. SIAP: I'm not sure how the dude in the white shirt managed to take this beating.
  17. Look, as my nine thousand other cloak room posts will attest, I am no fan of Trump, but this snippet was taken out of context. pet
  18. Maher is right only 50% of the time, but when he's right he hits it out of the park. I know he's right because here's Jack Posobiec whining about these losers. ow
  19. I agree and think we should decorate recruit's hotel rooms with wall-to-wall Benjamins.
  20. Y'all need to read this. I have no idea if this is true but ... holy shit if Seth Abramson is right about this stuff. https://sethabramson.substack.com/p/breaking-news-trump-zuckerberg-musk
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