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Jack Straw

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Everything posted by Jack Straw

  1. indeed.
  2. i am stuck on jarvis landry vs @NYJ or leveon bell vs ATL at flex (STD) thoughts
  3. right but have you seen how mad the libs are? -Republicans
  4. let's be friends
  5. 100%. And anyone who has voted for any Republican for any office since 2018, at the latest, is complicit. Trump and every Senator who voted against impeachment should have been removed by force a long time ago. That’s not hyperbole, it’s an unfortunate truth. I don’t understand why people cling to the notion that we as a country are somehow above overthrowing a wannabe dictator and complicit traitors.
  6. agree 100%
  7. and dishonest. Republicans love Trump's dishonesty. because they are fundamentally and profoundly dishonest people.
  8. "Donald Trump is doing a great job." - @Johnny Sack and 99+% of Republicans
  9. GF got a new pup. Quinn and her new BF Scrappy:
  10. “Yes, exactly. That would be great.” Signed, All Republicans.
  11. indeed, if you look closely you can see its heart hanging from its torso 😂
  12. you're not alone; i used to live in the neighborhood and ate there pretty regularly. sometimes i wonder if its a coincidence, but EYM sort of lost its great appeal for me when i stopped drinking and it wasn't worth the drive and wait anymore just for the food. and it always looks like they haven't swept the floors or done any cleaning beyond wiping the tables down between guests in months. which of course can have its own charm, i suppose, as i love some dives as much as the next person. and the fajita meat is made with Liquid Smoke, I could swear. its the first thing i taste when i eat them. for greasy cheez enchiladas, i think maudie's is just as good. lots of other places for non-tex-mex enchiladas in town as well. don't know if i was the one who steered you to casita guanajuato back in the old days or not but i do recall mentioning it - great place and certainly has an "authentic" feel to it. or it did when i went regularly. best green sauce in town IMO.
  13. this guy and badmofo - the best and the brightest of the Republican Party.
  14. maybe cut the recipe and make a small batch of https://www.louisianacookin.com/alligator-chili-frito-pie/
  15. It’s like Johnny Sack calling you out for being racist, or Slorch calling you out for being disingenuous. You’ve hit the bottom, stop digging.
  16. the menu for the new place (Mumtaz Market) looks intriguing to me. the location (S. 1st) is certainly an upgrade from rainey. we go to el naranjo way more often since they moved from rainey to south lamar and suspect we would do the same with this place if it is good.
  17. well, there’s that, and, as it turns out, Republicans are complete and utter frauds and traitors, to a man. shocker, I know.
  18. 100% of Republicans in this country would be perfectly fine with this. maybe many of them will admit it publicly. but not a single one of them would speak out against it or lift a finger to stop it.
  19. he absolutely needs to do hard time
  20. Republicans are dishonest. that cannot and will not be changed. they will never "come around" and become good and honest people who have the capacity to bring anything of value to society. they need to be dealt with and treated as the hate-mongering, anti-democratic group of lunatics that they are.
  21. pizza and salads are solid, as are the strombolis which they have every now and then as a special.
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