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Jack Straw

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Everything posted by Jack Straw

  1. and when I think about it, I’m pretty sure I could be a world class swim coach with maybe a few weeks of study and training, max. I mean, how hard is it to tell people, “move your arms and legs faster”? and, apparently even complete morons like that Swam4Texas dude can be taught to do it at a competitive level.
  2. that's a tasty looking sandwich indeed. bread looks great, and top notch bread can take things to 11. where is that from?
  3. my dad lives in new orleans and has a big bottle of Tabasco in his pantry that i grabbed at the corner store about 12 years ago because he didn't have any in the house - he's old and doesn't like Tabasco/spicy (weird in NO, I know) and it only gets used when I am there. It has turned brown over time. that shit is delicious.
  4. and so is every single Republican in this country who continues to vote for them or support any of them in any way.
  5. i really hope you are right on this point, because it is really what the future of the country depends on. they are telling us straight to our faces (repeatedly) that they plan to steal the election, and no one is really doing a thing about it. and if they pull it off, there will be no real consequences. i mean, there will be media outrage and lots of hand wringing among politicians, and some protests, sure - but, just like there was with all of the other crimes, acts of treason, abject failures, and wholly anti-democratic acts by the Trump admin and Republicans, but...that will be it.
  6. so this will be the final straw huh? I see.
  7. hey, remember a couple of weeks ago when Trump shit all over the troops and I said it won’t move the needle at all with any Republicans, and that it would be in the rear view and we’d be on to the next thing in a couple weeks? yeah. and boy, do I have some bad news for anyone thinking that proof of Trump committing tax fraud and being a complete and utter failure as a “businessman” will matter one iota to a single Republican.
  8. why do some hispanics/Spanish speakers sometimes answer the phone with “bueno?” that makes no sense at all.
  9. Jack Straw


    i creamed my pants
  10. Central Market makes a dark rye that is money. they don't always have it on hand, so i call ahead and when they do, pick up 2-3 loaves and keep the extras in the freezer. my GF makes damn good bread, but haven't been able to convince her to make Russian rye yet.
  11. Chair Kinnnnnnggggg!
  12. some other pickle favorites of mine in addition to the Grillos ^the spicy bread and butter Antone's chips are awesome i always have about a half dozen different jars of pickled stuff in my fridge at any given time - beets, carrots, cauliflower, cabbage, and of course cucumbers
  13. central market in austin carries them - they are one of my go to's
  14. absolutely. and that means every single Republican.
  15. we've needed to do that for a long time now, but yeah, i'm with you.
  16. I was just razzing you man, no worries. i don't know what DQ was like 4 years ago b/c I have really only been going to DQ with any regularity the last couple years or so b/c my GF lives pretty close to 2 of them. and as i have gotten older, store bought ice cream (other than Talenti which is mostly gelato) gives me a stomach ache - i think its one of the preservatives. so if I want ice cream I go to Tiny's, if I want gelato I go to Gemelli's, and if I want soft serve delicious treats, I go to DQ for the Blizzard. i also think the quality of DQ's vary from shop to shop. the one on Burnet Road is family run and it seems well run for a fast food joint.
  17. this guy does not fuck. "its terrible these days, I but haven't been to one in 4 years." K
  18. so whats the story on the new (ish) Greek place out in Bee Cave, anyone got any thoughts or reccs?
  19. this is not a good take. fried chicken is great.* spicy fried chicken is even better.* *and the worst piece of dark meat chicken is better than the best piece of white meat chicken
  20. I didn’t make this one - I was in Mexico for the last week. as much as I love classic Tex-Mex enchiladas, these are the best I’ve ever had - ordered them two days in a row. If I had this recipe, I would probably never eat out again. and I’d be super fat.
  21. some non-Tex-Mex cheese enchiladas: blue corn and oaxacan cheese enchiladas in jalapeno cream sauce
  22. check out these fucking duck confit tacos i had for lunch yesterday
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