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Jack Straw

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Everything posted by Jack Straw

  1. right, I don’t actually wonder at all.
  2. I wonder if that guy votes Republican.
  3. up next: Trump claims this was the work of Antifa submarines immediately followed by: 100% of Republicans completely buying it
  4. he commits felonies and displays shocking levels of incompetence at everything he does on the regular and has done so consistently for 3+ years - with multiple instances of straight up treason thrown in. this isn’t going to move the needle at the end of the day and it will all be an afterthought within a week.
  5. this is the guy who has 98%+ approval among Republicans.
  6. “this here’s my whompin’ stick”
  7. you do you, but I can’t imagine any reason why I would want to maintain any kind of relationship, much less one I have a choice in whether or not to participate in it, with traitors and supporters of racism and the hatred of and cruelty towards others.
  8. along with all of the members of his cabinet, his family, and administration, followed by all of the Republican Senators and House enablers, and all of them being strung up in the streets as the traitors that they are
  9. Trump is going to be outvoted by a landslide in the (actual) popular vote. the results of that are very much in doubt.
  10. terry black's brisket, guac, spicy pickled red onions, pickled japs and salsa
  11. i love me some real white cheese Mexican enchiladas, but for Tex-Mex, ditto the above. bonus points if the package has cheese spelled with a z
  12. The more Trump and his administration lie, the more Republicans love him for it. Dishonesty with themselves and others is the fundamental characteristic that all Republicans share.
  13. which is the bigger laugher - the fact that he said it with a straight face, or the fact that 100% of Republicans completely buy it?
  14. as stated above, there is no such person or people. Republicans are dishonest people. it should therefore be no surprise whatsoever that many of them lie in their poll answers. “undecideds” are Trump voters. so are the Republicans who say they are voting for Biden, save and except maybe a handful.
  16. sadly, that point came and went a long time ago. the message to Trump and Republicans at all levels of government and positions of authority should have been “resign or hang” - and followed through on - at multiple points over the last 3+ years. if all the gross incompetence, racism, hatred, cruelty, betrayal, criminality, and outright treason that has occurred to date by Trump and the Republican sycophants wasn’t enough to get us collectively there, a(nother) stolen election won’t either.
  17. and headed by Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman
  18. “also, Trump is really smart, and let’s face it, he’s doing a great job.” - @Johnny·Sack and all Republicans
  19. Jack Straw


    Azul Tequila is a good one, haven't been there in a long time. never tried the pipian enchiladas, and that sounds amazing and worth making another trip to try. damn, i may go for lunch today. i was excited when they opened up the second location off 2222 as that is a lot closer to me, but it didn't seem as good as the one on S. Lamar and I kind of forgot about it. Papalote is legit too.
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