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Jack Straw

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Everything posted by Jack Straw

  1. 96% approval among Republicans is imaginary, I assume, because it’s way too low.
  2. every accusation is a confession.
  3. Jack Straw


    haha, I thought you just made that up
  4. good thing all kinds of measures have been taken since then to prevent foreign interference in the election from happening again. oh, what's that? Republicans blocked every single attempt to do that? well, i'm sure it will all be fine anyway.
  5. Jack Straw


    wait, there is such a thing as a quesadilla salad? because that sounds kinda good.
  6. nice. mayo, or the Whip? I feel like you could be a Whip guy in certain, appropriate situations. like on a BLET sandwich.
  7. I would like that recipe if you used one.
  8. coconut milk and vinegar adobo chicken with sticky rice and mango salsa
  9. Donald Trump: “I’m reading stuff! I’m doin’ stuff!” Republicans, beaming proudly: “Trump is totally killing it! We have to find a way to keep this guy President for life.”
  10. unless she is a complete garbage pile of a human being who provides no positive value whatsoever to the planet just like him, and they are made for each other, I suppose?
  11. Probably already stated here. Not all Trump supporters are racist, but all racists are Trump supporters. Actually, all Trump supporters are racists - or at best, perfectly fine with racism.
  12. and no one will do anything about it. and there will be no consequences for Trump and his traitorous Republican enablers. next.
  13. “Donald Trump is doing a great job.” - @Johnny Sack
  14. Maneater, Hall & Oates how is that not only a song that exists, but one that was very popular for a long time?
  15. they are extremely insulted and angry with it! and yet, 100% of them will still vote for him.
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