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Jack Straw

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Everything posted by Jack Straw

  1. In and paid
  2. check out these fucking lobster roll sandwiches
  3. it’s almost as if Republican voters are complete shitbags or something
  4. hot and sticky, like my balls. -Phil Leotardo we were there for a week and there were showers on 3 different days, with a solid rain one afternoon. i'll take that over the 145 in Austin lately for sure. a few more: High Hat gumbo go to meal - FC and pimento mac n cheese at High Hat shrimp po-boy at Parkway scallops and pasta at le chat noir quinn waiting for the doggy bag to arrive
  5. shrimp and coconut milk grits with paprika curry and andouille at MOPHO peacemaker po-boy at Mahony's - shrimp, oyster, cheddar, candied bacon heirloom tomato and crab salad at coquette beef short rib at coquette
  6. Jack Straw


    their Roman style pizza is awesome
  7. can we just skip straight to the slaughtering part?
  8. “this really shows how much we are totally owning the libs” -Republicans
  9. also known as “Republicans”
  10. i like Cody Jinks and went to see him at Nutty Brown in late 2021. it may have been the last show there before it closed down. Travis Tritt was the opener. the crowd was ... something.
  11. I wish for nothing but horrible things to happen to each and every Republican politician, and each every person who votes for any Republican politician, for any office, at any level. every single one of them is complicit and deserves to have their lives ruined entirely.
  12. 100%. And every single Republican - including all the "never Trumpers" and the ones who say they won't vote for him if is the nominee - will vote for him without a second thought.
  13. not sure if serious. dark rye bread.
  14. count me in - entry fee sent via Venmo
  15. what I am looking for is a CPA who can undertake and perform an independent audit of an HOA's books (my HOA, of which I am a member of the board - worst job ever) over a several year period. this is not because of any suspected wrongdoing or discrepancies by the property management company's accounting and maintenance of the books, but rather the board doing due diligence. I have spoken to several CPAs but it sounds like this task is kind of a specialty, that many/(or maybe most) CPAs do not do. I am in Austin but don't know that the location of the CPA is all that important. thanks in advance - PM if easier
  16. Jack Straw


    rosti - giant hash brown. missed a letter
  17. he should have been strung up from a light pole as soon as he got off the plane coming back from Helsinki
  18. i don't get it either. Trump is not "done for," or anywhere close to it. every single Republican and regular Republican voter will vote for him. sure, many of them will lie about it and say they didn't, because Republicans and the people who vote for Republicans are dishonest people. the more Trump lies, and the more that he is clearly shown to be a criminal and a complete and utter fraud, the more they will dig in on their support. the idea that anyone who is still voting for any Republican candidates, for any office, won't vote for Trump, is laughable.
  19. what about the Pilgrims? they left Plymouth England in a boat and where did they land, half a world away? Plymouth Rock. I mean, how crazy is that.
  20. all of them. some of them have just been more publicly vocal about it than others.
  21. a Republican who is a complete and utter fraud, and lies constantly about everything? sounds about right.
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