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Jack Straw

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Everything posted by Jack Straw

  1. i would like to sex this up. i was thinking about it and, eggplant parmesan is a dish i really love, and is only great maybe ~2 times out of 10 when i order it out, but have never tried at home. not to say that the other 8/10 are bad, plenty of them are good, just not great. i think the eggplant needs to be cooked just right (not overcooked at all) and it needs high quality ingredients esp. cheese as you mention. and i guess when i am at a really good italian restaurant i tend to order things other than the old classics. yours looks like it was a success, i think i need to put this on my cooking to do list.
  2. better yet, like Mussolini
  3. thinking Trump is done for assumes that there will be a legitimate, or even semi-legitimate election process. that is not a good assumption. there is literally zero chance that Republicans will allow that to happen. they are actively working to ensure it won’t.
  4. largely correct - Trump will lose the popular vote bigly and win the electoral college pretty handily.
  5. this is exactly right. the reality is that by November, while we will still be dealing with Covid, the worst will likely be behind us and Trump's complete incompetence in handling this crisis will all be forgotten by most. just like everything else has. he'll be re-elected, and probably fairly easily.
  6. a strong argument can be made for that being true of every Republican officeholder in this country. and everyone who votes for and supports them.
  7. i think its funny that 2+ weeks later there are still 2 different sets of conversations going in response to the same question
  8. keema with peas and fresh mint; parantha *damn, must have chipped the bowl in the dishwasher
  9. “Absolutely. It’s not the government’s job to pay people to not work. I had all my money handed to me, so people should listen to me.” - @Johnny Sack
  10. just looked at their menu online and thought, holy shit, how have i never been here? i want to try all of this. will be giving this a try this weekend.
  11. Check Out This Fucking Sandwich: homemade Guinness braised corned beef, turkey, spicy kraut, swiss, dressing
  12. their puffs (tots) are pretty damn good (for store bought) too
  13. its been true the entire time.
  14. Trump needs to be forcibly removed immediately.
  15. i was picking up some takeout at le bleu this weekend and saw that they are selling vietnamese boiled crawfish for take out, if that's your thing. everything else they do is outstanding so i would imagine this is too. don't remember the price.
  16. never tried that one, but that sounds a delicious addition for the mini sandwich rotation
  17. looks amazing. what is in the bowl between the rice and the pico? quinioa? and the greens - sauteed spinach?
  18. damn. i would kill for a week of mini ham sandwiches on King's Hawaiian from the leftover holiday ham. and then the beans and rice from the hambone. props.
  19. and when Trump is gone, whether that is next year (unlikely), or 5 years from now, or whenever, these folks will still be here - tens of millions of completely worthless, total hacks who offer little to nothing of value to society (all current Republicans). its not like they are all of a sudden going turn into reasonable people who decide that democracy and the interests of the country are more important than their own personal and party interests, and owning the libs. It has been said many times - Trump is just a symptom of a much larger problem. that problem is Republicans. they elected him, they cheer on his racism, his fraud and corruption, his complete ineptitude, his repeated humiliation of the country on the international stage, his treason, and now his negligence that has led and will continue to lead to thousands of deaths. they have had opportunity after opportunity to stand up and say, you know, we made a mistake with this guy, we can do better - and have failed to do so - ever. and they all continue to support him. Republicans are a cancer. Trump is simply the public display of that cancer. they are who (many of us) thought they were.
  20. they don’t.
  21. here’s the thing - if you consistently say racist things, act in a racist manner, and happily cozy up to racist people and groups - you are a racist. see, e.g, Donald Trump
  22. “When I read this, the only conclusion I can come to is this: Donald Trump is doing a great job - and the libs are getting owned so hard right now.” - @Johnny Sackand all Republicans
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