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Jack Straw

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Everything posted by Jack Straw

  1. 2+ hours of non-stop tension. I thought it was very good (and disturbing). Went in really wondering if Sandler could pull off a serious role - he can.
  2. The “pro life” crowd isn’t about the “sanctity of life.” At all. It’s about controlling others, particularly women, and forcing their “religion” onto everyone else.
  3. “Religious liberty” = jamming our shitty, completely hypocritical, fake version of “Christianity” down everyone else’s throats and working to enable the government to help us discriminate against anyone who doesn’t sign on to it or otherwise thinks differently.
  4. 😂 It’s true though. Trump’s approval among Republicans has plummeted down to 99% recently.
  5. They don’t need any reminders at all. They are all well aware of this. Trump is a huge piece of shit with no value whatsoever to this country as a leader, or as a human being. Evangelicals specifically and Republicans more broadly don’t love him in spite of that, they love him because of that. He’s just like them.
  6. It’s completely packed out with a line to the door every day at lunchtime on weekdays. I like it because there is a lot of variety, but I always feel full until bedtime when I eat there for lunch (eating the same sized portion I would anywhere else). Not a bad thing if trying to drop a few LBs I suppose. * Westlake location
  7. I have good news for you and Deej. You can now get an Orange Julius at DQ.
  8. Not really. Trump has made it acceptable for more and more Republicans to publicly reveal to the rest of us what terrible people they actually are.
  9. 100% of Republicans completely buy this.
  10. holy shit, this is perfect. Panera costs at least twice, if not three times as much s a comparable sandwich/soup/salad place, but the food is about on par with what you can get at a Shell station
  11. And a willing participant in the subversion of democracy, and a supporter of treason. Like the entire GOP.
  12. and every single Republican in this country is an enabler of, and is complicit in that treason.
  13. they know that the fix is in and that the outcome of the upcoming election is already determined. of course every single one of them is going to jump on the side of the winner, when they already know who that is going to be. do people actually think that Republicans are going to let Trump be voted out of office, under any circumstances? no matter how many people actually vote against him? that won’t matter.
  14. Its well past time for these traitors to be removed by force.
  15. nope. i am in 4 leagues - playing in the championship in 2 of them, playing for 3rd place in the other 2. i figure most people would probably feel pretty good about those results, but i feel disappointed. so no way i am going to split anything if i win either or both of the two i am in the finals for. *to answer the above Q, i am sticking with Winston in one of the championships this week - he got me here (not without a good amount of heartburn), so sticking with him.
  16. "Yes. Donald Trump is doing a great job" -Johnny Sack and 100% of Republicans
  17. and it will never, ever be enough. weren’t there a bunch of posters on here claiming that R’s would throw Trump under the bus just as soon as it became politically expedient, and it was just a matter of time before that happened? yeah. R’s have already announced an acquittal before the trial has begun. It’s almost like every single Republican is fundamentally and chronically dishonest.
  18. Rudy, Trump, and Barr need to be the first three executed for treason.
  19. Slorch, like 100% of current Republicans, is fundamentally dishonest. They lack the capacity to be honest with themselves and others. It is a defect which, for the most part, is unlikely to ever be cured.
  20. Hey look, Slorch is back. How long until he says he totally doesn’t support Trump at all?
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