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Jack Straw

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Everything posted by Jack Straw

  1. damn. cuz I’m reasonably certain I would go undefeated in the bowl picks
  2. yep. Republican voters absolutely love Trump and serial liars like him not in spite their dishonesty, but because of it.
  3. i started to post a laughing response, until i realized that that is pretty much exactly what would happen. add on "and not a single Republican in this country - elected official, voter, or supporter - would say a word to the contrary about it afterwards," and you would have really nailed it.
  4. so are the bowl games included in this, or is this over?
  5. that’s actually been the case a lot longer than that, but yeah.
  6. and yet, if (when) nominated, he will receive 99%+ of the voter share from Republicans, and if elected, would consistently have approval numbers is the mid to high 90s among Republicans.
  7. i've always been taken aback and somewhat horrified when I have read comments like "I hope this guy is raped an murdered in prison" about various people - rapists, child molesters, murderers, etc. but i'm starting to get on board with that idea with these people. they are traitors and should absolutely, unequivocally be executed by the government. that's not going to happen, so hopefully someone else does the job in prison.
  8. every single person who votes for any Republicans helped cause it.
  9. actually, he’s been teaching school lately. but I heard he just got fired.
  10. grilled white cheddar and swiss on easy tiger bread with homemade stone ground mustard and central market grocery olive salad
  11. this is just straight picks, no point spread, right?
  12. Republicans are dishonest. With themselves and everyone else. So I'll take the under on the 3 days.
  13. shit, there are lawyers on this site who would gladly represent him pro bono.
  14. when I read things like this, my first, and really only thought is, “why isn’t Hillary in jail yet? why aren’t we all talking about that?” -all Republicans
  15. “seems reasonable. can we go ahead and move on from all the felonies and outright treason our guy committed while he was President while we’re at it?” -Republicans
  16. by far the worst movie I have seen in my entire life. I would have walked out after 30 minutes tops, but it was my wife's choice. it was so bad, I had to leave the theater three different times to go sit in the lobby and play WWF on my phone to pass the time.
  17. however we get there, more Republicans’ lives ending and/or being completely ruined, please.
  18. and she is the voice of today’s Republican Party.
  19. not just you. garfield and adam driver are both on my list of “why is this guy in every movie now, did Hollywood run out of actors or something” list
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