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Jack Straw

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Everything posted by Jack Straw

  1. Speaking of, where is @Johnny Sack these days?
  2. that would have been better if the maga traitors were pelted with tomatoes and rotten garbage as they walked by
  3. this is our concern, dude. remember the Mueller Report, the one that clearly laid out crimes committed by the President of the United States? the one that is in everyone’s rear view mirror right now? i remember that one. pretty good chance this will all be behind us and everyone will be worked up about the next set of crimes and treason that will have no real consequences within the next several weeks. next.
  4. same, on all counts. i mean, on the one hand, we have ... polls. i seem to recall polls telling me that hillary clinton would be elected in a landslide. on the other hand, we have facts, and evidence - all of which points to years of Republicans consistently - in fact, at every single opportunity - putting party over country and never, ever doing the right thing. Republican elected officials have had dozens upon dozens of instances to stand up and say, "this is wrong, enough is enough, Trump needs to go - the country needs to come first" when presented with overwhelming evidence of criminal activity and treason committed by Trump, his family, and his administration. so far, they are batting .000. forgive me for doubting that they will all of a sudden start stroking base hits on the reg in terms of doing the right thing for the country. if they do, i will happily eat crow and celebrate it. i've been on record for some time now saying Trump should have been removed the minute he stepped off the stage in Helsinki.
  5. that's true. how many Republicans do you think would favor impeachment and removal from office - currently, or ever? i would say that is (and will be) somewhere between 0% and 1% as to both.
  6. public sentiment in favor of impeachment will never get to a level high enough within the Republican Party to make this an issue.
  7. and then every single one of them will vote for him again.
  8. Trump and his entire family and administration should be removed by force now* *actually, a long time ago
  9. this is what "doing a great job" and "great leadership" looks like to @Johnny Sack and Republicans
  10. and an entire political party with tens of millions of members who are complicit.
  11. publicly attacking a sitting Republican Senator and calling for his impeachment, merely for offering some mild criticism, would be the perfect opportunity for Republicans with any shred of decency and integrity whatsoever to speak up and say enough is enough. oh.
  12. spot on. hatred of others is absolutely at the center of the Republican ethos
  13. go to any gathering of Republicans, anywhere. that’s where you’ll see them.
  14. those who make the conscious decision to support racists, felons, and traitors need to be called out for what and who they are. we are well past the point where it is acceptable for anyone to hide behind the "one issue voter" or "likes paying lower taxes" or "doesn't pay enough attention to politics" or "is brainwashed by Fox" excuses for supporting treason and the subversion of democracy, and people need to stop giving them a pass. too bad if that offends you.
  15. there is no reason for them to turn on Trump if he is going to win a fixed “election,” which he will. they know this. that’s why they haven’t turned on him, and never will.
  16. Yeah. Well. Here is a list of circumstances in which Republicans will to do the right thing and put the good of the country over their own party and self-interests: The End
  17. Yep. Sounds like the Republicans have it set up perfectly.
  18. Maybe I will start to come around when I see: (a) a single example of any Republican politician at the national level (shit, at any level, anywhere, really) doing the right thing and putting country over party; and/or (b) any meaningful consequences - not theoretical ones or “sure thing this time” ones - for Trump for his criminal and treasonous actions. Until then, I believe that skepticism is more than warranted. I’ve heard the “dam is finally breaking” line before. A bunch. And there is no evidence to support the proposition that we can expect a legitimate election to be had. I will happily eat crow and celebrate if I am wrong.
  19. Right, but it won’t. He’ll be in office in 2021 and beyond if he’s still alive.
  20. “This is the kind of stuff that makes me proud to be a member of the GOP. This is what real leadership looks like.” -All Republicans
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