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Jack Straw

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Everything posted by Jack Straw

  1. Jack Straw


    went by the 360 pizza just down the street today for a slice and it was closed. dunno if its permanent or temporary, but noon on a weekday seems like a weird time for a pizza joint to be closed down
  2. i honestly don’t think there’s anything any tailor could do to make Trump look good. because he’s super fucking fat.
  3. @Johnny Sack and 100% of Republicans will respond by saying - with a straight face - that all of that kind of stuff and much, much worse was happening under Obama, that it’s all the fault of Democrats, mumbling something unintelligible about “open borders,” and how that 3 year old freeloader shouldn’t have been trying to come here illegally in the first place
  4. At the end of the day, when the rest of us are picking up the pieces, if there are any left to pick up - very, very few - if any - of the 64 million Republicans who voted for and supported Trump will own their role in Trump’s ascendency. they will all point fingers at everyone else, and their primary cry will be that “the Democrats forced them to do it.” that’s what people who have a fundamental incapability to be honest with themselves and others - you know, Republicans who haven’t wholly rejected the GOP and everything it stands for by this point - do.
  5. it would be a lot better if the standard work/school/business day were 6AM-2PM instead of 9AM-5PM
  6. he won’t get a single vote from any Republican voter. not because he wouldn’t make an infinitely better president than Trump; he would. but because there is no such thing as a non-Trump Republican
  7. of course not, he’ll blame others for his own complete and utter failures, just like Trump and every other Republican on the face of the earth
  8. and if they have to live in a country where a black man can run things, then they'd rather just destroy the country to get back at the people who allowed that happen.
  9. i like julie's noodle's as a change up to my usual pho and ramen places (its not either of those) - the pork noodle soup and chicken noodle soup are both really good. i swear the chicken one has at least a half a cut up chicken in it. i think the pork is neck bones. mmmm neck bone meat. first time i went there it was mostly packed and we were the only white people in the place, and lots of chinese being spoken - i thought, "hmmm, good start." walked up to the counter and peeked behind the folding screen that separates the front counter and the kitchen - and saw an old man asleep on an old army style cot in the middle of the kitchen - "definitely in the right place." i keep a jar of the chili oil from there in my fridge at all times (sold from the cooler with the sodas).
  10. “Donald Trump is doing a great job” - @Johnny Sack and all Republicans
  11. voting for and supporting racist traitors has consequences.
  12. And if it were conclusively proven that Trump was manipulating the stock market for his own personal gain, 100% of Republicans would continue to support him. They would crow about how it “shows how smart he is” and “Democrats do it anyway.” There can be no debate that all Republicans are perfectly fine with treason, unprecedented incompetence and corruption, and the incitement of race- based violence by their leader, - so why would this be any different? As long as they perceive that liberals are upset, then that’s a win for them. If they have to completely destroy the country in order to teach the Democrats and liberals a lesson for electing a black person as President, then that’s a great trade off for Republicans, and a complete win in their eyes. That’s the depth of their analysis.
  13. This is the kind of politician that @Johnny Sack .... well, let’s be perfectly honest here ... 100% of Republicans ... can really get behind.
  14. He already has. Dozens of times.
  15. two BLTs - one with mayo and one with the Whip - is a very strong weekend lunch move
  16. which is why the use of the reference to "Trump's base" needs to be eliminated from the conversation. "the base" is "Republicans." they are one and the same. there is no such thing as a "non-Trump Republican."
  17. and 100% of Republican elected officials nationwide.
  18. true. and more than zero would be a good start.
  19. “There’s an awfully lot of good Republicans out there. They’re decent people.” - Biden uh, no. get this guy the fuck out of here immediately.
  20. yes, that is what will happen, but he will have the full support of the entire Republican Party, and no one will do a goddamn thing about it other than handwringing. just like with the dozens of other acts of gross incompetence, commission of felonies, constitutional violations, and outright treason committed by Trump and his family and administration. he’s not going anywhere.
  21. Trump: “it’s pussy grabbin’ time. your wife’s pussy.” That guy, and all Republicans: “go for it, sounds great. i’ll just be over here.”
  22. only 7 players? its college football, its gambling, whats not to like?
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