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Jack Straw

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Everything posted by Jack Straw

  1. As in, a long term, inpatient treatment facility. Before you hurt yourself or someone else. Seriously.
  2. Hopefully soon, as in, right now. Should have started the minute he walked off the stage in Helsinki, but I will welcome it whenever it starts.
  3. it’s not hard to fathom at all. In fact, you can just about bank on it - that is, IF trump isn’t claiming outright victory (with the help of foreign interference and vote fixing).
  4. For real. Instead of fighting it, I have just come to appreciate the fact that by the time most people are getting their Saturdays and Sundays started, I’ve already had breakfast, read the paper, walked the dog, and gotten up from a nap. I wish I was exaggerating, but I’m not. Ha.
  5. That sounds nice, and kind of naive, no offense. In my line of work, I often have to help my clients come to the realization that they are chasing something that’s already gone (their marriage), and that it’s in their best interest to let it go, as difficult and painful as that may be, and as much as they may want that back. And that’s what one is doing when they are hoping for a return of a healthy GOP that offers any positive value to American society - chasing something that’s already gone. It’s a cancer and needs to be eliminated. There may be some completely new party that can emerge to act as a balance and check against the Democrats, I don’t know. But I don’t think it’s genesis will lie in today’s Republican Party. It doesn’t have a faction that needs to be redirected, or fixed, or brought back into the fold - it is rotten to the core, top to bottom.
  6. He’s also a pretty active poster here as Onboard.2
  7. 40% + the folks who are juuust smart enough to not publicly admit to being traitors and who will pull the lever for R no matter what + foreign interference (with the current and active encouragement of Rs) + vote fixing by crooked Rs + R voter suppression of democratic voters = easy “win” for Trump i almost can’t believe people actually think it’s going to go down differently than that
  8. and 5) had the full and unconditional support of every single elected official and politician in his party and nearly half of the voting population in that country.
  9. of course. and this is precisely why voters need to reject any and all candidates who vow to “work with Republicans” (cough, Biden). there is no one to work with. there is nothing to work on. you don’t “work with” terrorists. you marginalize them, defeat them, and make it so there is absolutely no place for them in decent, democratic society. which is how the cancer that is the Republican Party and all of its members should be dealt with. if any of them want to do the right thing and openly and loudly reject and denounce Trump and the R brand and jump ship, great, kudos to them. until then, they need to be treated like and dealt with as the traitors and supporters of racism and domestic terrorism that they are.
  10. Shining example of today’s mainstream Republican.
  11. They’re not even trying to articulate a legitimate position or response. VIDEO GAMES! PRAYER IN SCHOOLS! ITS NOT A GUN PROBLEM! JESUS! What kind of brainwashed buffoons buy this stuff? Oh. Republicans.
  12. How is that any different than what’s going on now, and has been going on for quite some time? Answer: it’s not.
  13. Trump and his administration aren’t going anywhere. There is virtually no chance he acknowledges defeat and hands over the reigns - regardless of what happens with the election. Do people really think that is what is going to happen, that Trump is going to get “voted out” of office and steps aside? I’d seriously be interested in hearing people’s honest answers to this. I’d honestly put the chances of that result at less than 2%.
  14. You can have that perspective, and it doesn't faze me one bit. But the reality is I continue to positively impact hundreds of lives each year through my job and enjoy the mutual respect and gratitude shared with my students and colleagues. And now I’m going to go pack for my family's 10-day trip to Orlando.
  15. And every last bit of it with the full and unconditional support of the Republican Party.
  16. He needs to be dragged out of the White House by the hair, kicking and screaming, to the nearest light pole.
  17. And all Republicans are complicit in the terrorism.
  18. Won’t happen. Republicans will immediately start up the distraction campaign in full force and in a few days, the country’s attention will have moved on to the next thing. Just like the last one, and just like the next one. And nobody will do a goddamn thing about any of it.
  19. Hopefully with Trump ending up like Mussolini.
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