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Jack Straw

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Everything posted by Jack Straw

  1. "what about that one time a Democrat said something racist in the 1950s? Democrats are the real racists here" -FCHorn and OnBoard
  2. If by "more than 90%" you mean "100%," then yes. but i'm told right here on this site that many people who continue to self identify as Republican and support Trump are nevertheless "good people." /GUFFAW
  3. Now try to imagine being such a complete and utter fraud, such a total failure as a citizen and as a human being that you look at all of this and think, “this guy is doing a great job. I will definitely vote for him, we could use more of this.” Say, on a completely unrelated matter, where’s Johnny Sack these days? Haven’t heard much from him lately.
  4. “Something is going to be done about these crooked social media companies. DO SOMETHING!!”
  5. um. that time came a long time ago.
  6. thats what i use. it works. in fact, it works better than the standalone cuisinart ice cream maker that i replaced with the KA attachment. will post some recipes of some of the best ones we've done using it, in a while when i can dig them up. did a roasted strawberry and coconut ice cream and a raspberry sorbet recently that were both awesome.
  7. It should be called, completely fucking awesome sounding.
  8. trying to think of any way in which a person's continued membership in the Republican Party and/or vote for or support of any Republican for any office, at any level, isn't outright traitorous at this juncture. i got nothin.
  9. watched the first two episodes last night. someone please tell me it gets better from here. and the actor playing the ADA is not very good
  10. Gemelli >> Dolce Neve just sayin
  11. this is pretty much where i end up. i have tried all different kinds of stuff from fancy cheeses, vegetables - i did one once with a thick slice of pate and sliced cornichons, it was way too rich - and ultimately, my favorite is sourdough bread with white american and swiss slices, served with plain lays, and pickles (i usually go dill and b&b slices). i think some of it is the nostalgia of that way (minus the swiss) was a fairly regular meal as a kid. related question: wheat/rye bread is, far more times than not, better than white bread (for sandwiches, anyway). so why do wheat and rye bread suck so much ass compared to white for grilled cheeses? its weird.
  12. yikes. where did you get those prices? i don't see any on their site. i'm wondering if those are the only three options, or if those are for the omakase, and if the a la carte options are priced much more ... reasonably? as much as i love that type of food and trying new restaurants, i can't see paying $100-$200 and up for 2 people for hot pot. maybe i'm missing something.
  13. You can have that perspective, and it doesn't faze me one bit. But the reality is I continue to positively impact hundreds of lives each year through my job and the mutual respect and gratitude shared with everyone around me. And now I'm going to go back to work on perfecting my skills at being disingenuous and purposefully obtuse in order to fit my narative, and impart my wisdom upon the poor, the homeless, and anyone else in unfortunate situations by telling them to go pull themselves up by their bootstraps. - Slorch
  14. also Slorch: “I am not going to vote for the candidate who has the full support of 100% of the members of the House and Senate and near 100% support of Republican voters, I don’t support Trump at all.”
  15. You're right, your point is completely dishonest, as usual. there you go
  16. “misery porn” sounds about right. my gf called it “agony overload” after the last episode. we are both frustrated with the show as well, and are at the point now of “can we just end this now” unless they go beyond what they’ve been hammering on for a long while now. bring on the revolt, or the overthrow, or at least some explosions, for fucks sake.
  17. You know, it’s almost as though the overwhelming evidence demonstrates that Republicans are hypocritical shitbags.
  18. "where can I get one of those shirts?" - @Johnny Sack
  19. These are Johnny Sack’s, OnBoard’s, Icono’s,, ChickenSandwich’s, and Chrispy’s people.
  20. “Donald Trump is a class act and makes me proud of my party.” Signed, All Republicans
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