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Jack Straw

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Everything posted by Jack Straw

  1. so - current running tally on total number of Republican politicians at any level who have done the right thing during the trump presidency, nationwide: 1
  2. speculating on whether trump is mentally ill and wholly unfit is like speculating on whether OJ killed his ex-wife and her friend or not. both are obvious to anyone who isn't dishonest about the evidence in front of them.
  3. an honest answer ...... from slorch? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  4. this is really why i dislike torchy's. i'm all for creative, non-traditional tacos, but damn, torchy's throws together a bunch of shit that doesn't go together, slathers it in 4 different kinds of sauces, and calls it a taco. total meh. tacodeli has some pretty good tacos for what they are. if you don't like the otto, i don't know what to tell you. haven't seen tyson's tacos mentioned here. damn good. crispy duck taco, brisket taco, and burnt end taco all kick ass. pastor is pretty good too. of course, all of these places would be much better if they made their own tortillas.
  5. the ugliness, the hatred of others, the racism, the xenophobia, the small-minded, fear-based ideology, is what Republicans have been saying behind closed doors for decades (the ones who still identify as R now, that is - there are plenty of reformed "former Republicans" today as a result of trump and trumpism). trump has given them permission to be open and honest about it, and in fact, proud of it.
  6. “Haha, I love how stupid he is makes liberals mad! Every time he humiliates himself and the Republican Party and sells this country down the river, well, that just shows that we’re winning.”
  7. we joke about this, but the reality is that trump, trumpism, and every single one of trump's supporters, enablers, apologists, and detractors - which is 100% of those who self-identify as, vote for, and/or support Republican candidates - are a collective advanced, malignant cancer on the country and on on democracy. and you don't overcome that cancer by simply doing something different than what you're doing when the malignancy appears, or just spot treating the primary and most visible symptom (ie, voting trump out). you beat that by completely eliminating the cancer from your body. the elimination of millions, and probably tens of millions of these people from American society - whether by civil war, secession of states, the complete and utter destruction of the Republican party, and/or whatever else - is exactly what we need for the long term health of the country, if we are going to be honest about this. these people are never going to "come around" or "become decent human beings" who add any value whatsoever to society. ever.
  8. No, it's fucking not. Not at all well, Republicans think its hilarious because they want foreign interference in our elections, which is happening with the help of Republicans, and it is working, and they're getting away with it right out in the open, and no one is doing a thing about it. Republicans don't even have to try to hide their treason anymore.
  9. Jack Straw

    Fried Chicken

    man, thats a new place for me. will try. i was looking at the pics online - what is the white sauce on the chicken? is that like a butter garlic sauce, or...?
  10. Johnny Sack and OnBoard need to hit the gym.
  11. they’re high fiving over both of those
  12. he will cave and lift sanctions, declare victory, and spin it as "fixing the mess obama made." 100% of republicans will buy it, and his approval numbers will get a slight bump.
  13. “Donald Trump is doing a great job and I am going to vote for him” @Johnny Sack
  14. that, and - their fully outstretched arms in the “look at meeee I’m on top of the worlllld” poses as if they just scaled fucking Kilimanjaro - which of course they will shove you out of the way to try to get - done not only at every single one of the busiest and most crowded attractions and sights, to such picturesque places as ... jam packed stairwells, in front of trash dumpsters, random building walls, ratty street cats, the private property of local residents.
  15. because Republicans LOVE Trump’s corruption and gross incompetence, his daily humiliation of the country on the world stage, his destruction of democracy, and the fact that Trump not only commits, but actually admits to multiple felonies on national TV. they fucking love it all because the see it as “making liberals mad,” and that makes them feel like winners. Republicans gleefully endorse treason and can’t wait to sell the country further down the river in order to “teach the libs a lesson.” and that explains Trump’s 90+ percent approval among Rs, and why they don’t want a challenger in the primary.
  16. 8%? i think it is much lower. the idea that any significant number of trump voters/supporters taking responsibility for their own actions, much less admitting that they have been conned, is amusing. the con job was plainly and painfully obvious well before he even got into office.
  17. Also known as, their true selves
  18. Yes. 100% of people who identify as Republicans.
  19. The job of President of the United States is probably the hardest job in the world. Donald Trump’s current job is easy as fuck.
  20. I guess, if watching as no one does anything about it except wring their hands and talk about it, is amazing.
  21. 100% of Republicans do believe every word that comes out of his mouth, so he’s not all that far off.
  22. And by then it will be too late, if it’s not already. Which it probably is.
  23. I’m still staying involved in a lot of ways, and I’ll go down trying, but ... Trump just said he would accept assistance from a foreign power, and the Republican traitors just blocked efforts to curb foreign interference in the elections (again). So yeah, I’m struggling to find a single thing to be optimistic about. In fact, this is the kind of stuff that makes an overthrow, by force if necessary, completely justified. It’s been justified since Helsinki +1 at the latest point in time. It’s just amazing to me that no one is doing a damn thing of any consequence about organized treason that’s occurring right out in the open.
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