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Jack Straw

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Everything posted by Jack Straw

  1. 100%. and anyone voting for and/or supporting Republicans is complicit.
  2. I picked up a bag in an airport while traveling and was hooked - and ordered a bunch off Amazon Prime. I have seen them at Sprouts also, but not all the flavors.
  3. SIAP; but these are amazing. bunch of different flavors.
  4. I couldn’t see it in the original post
  5. while I don’t think I have had one in 30+ years, the McRib does conjure up some very specific fond memories - sneaking off campus for lunch in HS and getting completely baked on the way to McDonalds where we each got 3 McRibs - and in particular one specific day when one of my friends was laughing so hard that a piece of apple (from the post-McRib scarf down) apple pie that he was eating came flying out of his nose good times
  6. is there currently a restaurant in that upstairs spot where the Granite Cafe once was?
  7. i think Paco is going to be my man for this. appreciate all the responses.
  8. right, I have tried that, I cannot find a harp that fits - the part where it attaches to the lamp itself - the round part at the bottom (not sure what that is called) is not standard and has a piece that screws it onto the lamp fixture. and it is a unique and expensive lamp so replacing the lamp itself isn't a desired option either
  9. i have a floor lamp that had an oversized shade - and a very tall harp (picture below) to hold the shade way high above the place where the bulb sits. i replaced the shade with a much smaller one - but now because the harp is so tall, the shade sits too high. so I am looking to hire/pay someone - this could be a shop, or even someone who has the gear at home, whatever - to cut this harp down and then reattach it to make it about 1/3 of its original height i have looked and looked for replacement harps but because of the unusual shape of its attachment to the lamp, have not found anything. i have called a couple lamp repair shops, no dice - and looked online for welders - this job seems way too small IMO anyone have any ideas of someone/somewhere in Austin area who would do something like this? here is the harp - I would want the middle section - from the top red tab to the bottom red tab - cut out, and then reattached. it doesn't matter what it looks like at the end, as it will be covered by the shade
  10. is it possible for someone to be a bigger piece of shit, complete waste of space than the person who would not only say this, but make it a public statement? the answer is yes - it is every person who would vote for the guy who said this. and there you have 99% of Republicans in this country.
  11. the fact that he’s a racist shitbag fits the Republican mold perfectly, as well
  12. these are the people that the Republican Party is actively courting.
  13. they have Orange Julius at the DQ on North Lamar. haven’t been able to pull the trigger though because, well, blizzards
  14. yes, please do - thanks !
  15. not sure why i have two entries with two different but similar entry names? I only did one set of picks.
  16. "she totally owned that interviewer!" -Republicans
  17. fuck everything, we’re going with five blades
  18. Count me in
  19. vegan enchiladas - refried black beans, sauteed potatoes & onions, and roasted hatch chiles with tomatillo sauce and cashew crema
  20. will this lawsuit help make the lives of Trump and/or any Republicans miserable? yes? sounds good to me.
  21. “things you don’t agree with” - you know, like treason, inciting an attempted overthrow of the government, and causing the death of law officers.
  22. “upscale ” donut restaurants, bars, food trucks. wtf. donuts are for children and drunk college kids. maybe grab a Dunkin’ in the airport if everything else with real food is closed. maybe.
  23. yeah, I was wondering what FCHorn’s user name was here.
  24. that is what great leadership looks like to Republicans
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