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Jack Straw

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Everything posted by Jack Straw

  1. The politics board is not your personal safe space to proudly display what a habitually dishonest, racist piece of garbage you are without internet “consequence.” You’re going to have to learn to live with the blowback you rightfully get here for being a low life racist and party over country traitor. Constantly whining about it exposes you further as being a gigantic pussy on top of the rest of it.
  2. anyone who didn't expect this from the minute Barr was nominated is a fool
  3. Jack Straw


    i think its $10 during happy hour, and i know they offer it at the stonelake location as well, at least they did the last time i was there. damn good burger
  4. I know, right, especially with all those race riots he was responsible for. -TTom
  5. thought the announcement speech had a great message, i immediately made another donation afterwards
  6. can we all agree that people who talk during the movies should be executed immediately upon exiting the theater into the lobby? these people are running a close second behind Asian tourists overseas as the worst group of people in the fucking world.
  7. can we all agree that people who talk during the movies should be executed immediately upon exiting the theater into the lobby? these people are running a close second behind Asian tourists overseas as the worst group of people in the fucking world.
  8. This is my take. We’re all arguing about which place is better Q, but they’re all going to be awesome to a foreigner with no frame of reference, and the Texas environment or “ambiance,” so to speak, will be far more impressive at Smitty’s and City Market. You may sacrifice some food-wise, in your eyes at least, but you’ll have dozens more chances to make up for it in the future.
  9. The difference being that none of the past Presidents during those time periods were complete and utter pieces of shit, as politicians, and as human beings. Past Presidents warranted respect of varying degrees, including respectful ribbing from late night talk show hosts. Trump warrants none whatsoever. Anyone who disagrees is either an idiot or a bootlicking partisan hack.
  10. I assume that’s the same question that you’ll be asking a year or two after he loses the election* and he refuses to leave and is still there. “What was anyone supposed to do, the Republicans would have made it impossible.” Impeachment proceedings should have been started within 24 hours of Helsinki at the very least, if not removal by force. *he’s not going to lose
  11. He doesn’t need a plan. He will declare the election invalid and that he’s staying indefinitely, and no one will do a god damn thing about it. Just like everything else that’s happened over the past 2+ years.
  12. This is what "doing a great job" looks like to Johnny Sack, folks.
  13. You can have that perspective, and it doesn't faze me one bit. But the reality is I continue to positively impact hundreds of lives each year through my job and enjoy the mutual respect and gratitude shared with my students and colleagues. And now I’m going to go pack for my family's 10-day trip to Orlando.
  14. here's some. i have no idea if this is a 10 second process or something more complicated. many thanks and internet points awarded in advance.
  15. Is this where we hear about the widespread race riots caused by Obama that TTom personally witnessed again? Because I feel like that’s coming again, any minute now.
  16. hopfields is one of the best restaurants in austin, strictly food-wise, "gastropub" or otherwise imho of course
  17. wrong.gif more than 50% of Americans support trump. they need to be completely written off, and they will never, ever offer anything positive whatsoever to American society, or the planet for that matter. there is another sizeable percentage that knows that it is not smart to openly and publicly admit to supporting a traitor and a political party that is an ongoing criminal enterprise that seeks to destroy the country, so they lie about it and/or hedge with the "oh i dislike him personally and wish he'd tone down the twitter" but will vote for trump and each and every one of his enablers in government, in a heartbeat. i'm afraid that we are past the point of no return, and there is probably no coming back from it.
  18. i use Goya extra virgin for cooking if the recipe calls for it, or canola if not, and use other kinds of olive oil i have for dressings, vinaigrettes, etc.
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