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Junior Miller

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Everything posted by Junior Miller

  1. So "Peace, Love, and Rock and Roll" became "let millions die to save the billionaires and the stock market" This fucking generation.
  2. I never realized this but the idiot's drinking beer out of an old fashioned/cocktail glass. Of course he is.
  3. You spend a lot of time on Richie whitt's fat annoying ex wife's social media? Yeah that's on brand.
  4. These next 7-8 weeks are going to feel like a year with nothing to do.
  5. Online only. And on delivery they now slow down to a minimum of 15 mph while chunking your new appliance within a guaranteed range of +-15 ft from the edge of your property.
  6. Was those things 20 years ago. Now it's stale
  7. Extremely physical sports like football and combat sports where most careers are short and debilitating I'm all for them getting paid as much as possible. That said I'm kind of glad the players Union in nFl is weak. I used to love the NBA and MLB but analytics changes to the game and fat cushy guaranteed contracts have made them unwatchable to me now.
  8. Very limited rules, pay the players shit so they don't get uppity, and fuck all the safety precautions. That's what he means.
  9. If you want to be very cautious then put the packaging on an isolated spot on your counter and open the packaging. Wash hands then transfer food to microwave/oven safe container or a stove top pan then immediately throw packaging away. Disinfect the spot the packaging was sitting then wash hands again and use whatever preferred method to heat up the food. Doesn't take long because it just needs to reach a temp over 165 F on the surface to kill any virus that found it's way to the food surface between the time it finished cooking and when packaging was sealed. If you want to be really cautious then wash hands again then eat. I've always reheated food I got delivered or took home because the time to transfer from restaurant to house always cools it too much for my liking. The only thing I won't do now is order food that would be very unappetizing to heat up to 165F like salads or cold sandwiches.
  10. As much as I'd love to see it if Khabib vs Ferguson gets cancelled for the 6th?? time due to a fucking world stopping down level pandemic then it's a sign these fuckers aren't ever meant to fight.
  11. Have you gotten to the one where Snoop plays a pimp names Alabaster Jones yet? That's one of my favorites
  12. Going full Marie Antoinette on every one of these crooked fucks is justified. We just don't have the stomach for it
  13. It's only a felony if you aren't incredibly rich, white, and part of the corrupt machine that makes the laws
  14. Grocery stores are going to have to agree to purchasing limits per transaction until people get it in their fucking heads the virus isn't a threat to the supply of toilet paper and paper towels. The only shortage that makes sense is disinfecting products. Everything else is just brain dead Americans being retards.
  15. If people getting into accidents on the roads ever overwhelmed the entire medical infrastructure of the US, or even threatened to, shit would be shut down fast.
  16. Not to mention the 2009 H1N1 Swine flu outbreak (which I know was the one Cornyn was referring to) was first found in the US and Mexico. Republicans are nothing but racist, ignorant, know nothing dumb fucks. It's amazing how stupid they are.
  17. This is cause for execution of the entire trump administration. Right on the White House lawn televised nationally. since we need sports right now you can just pit them against each other in a March madness style bracket gladiator fight to the death
  18. So his defenses couldn't stop a Pop Warner team but he can catch the covid?
  19. Oh there's going to be a shit load of positive results coming my friend.
  20. If you tell people they can pray at home you can't pass around the beggar's plate.
  21. I'd love to walk the strip for the surreal visual of everything shut down. In almost exactly a month will be one year ago I took my first trip to Vegas in 18 years. Glad we decided to do it for her birthday last year.
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