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Everything posted by NWAustinDude

  1. No time for pizza. They were busy drawing up a scheme and plays for Sam to throw into triple coverage, and doing a walk through under the stands
  2. nailed it on the thread title
  3. We've seen Sam's low talent ceiling at the college level. Mostly inaccurate, and poor decision-making that fully manifests at crunchtime. And the regarded coaching of no rhythm and not demanding up-tempo pace makes it brutal to watch that offense. Let's see the other QB's, including Shane on Thujone's point above about adequate pocket protection. And gotdammit pick a fucking starting running back and his one backup. Give me Watson and Ingram. Will be sick if we have to wait for Roschon, and wait to see if he is the guy which could take multiple seasons. One more derpy game by Tim Beck and he needs his ass fired, which will require vocal pressure from the fanbase.
  4. Wave just needs to win 6 out of 11
  5. Roll Wave Roll
  6. Beautiful images. Love the old stuff. Before you walk up the hill, you even park close to your section.
  7. We've yet to have a winning, relevant football season in the years that LHN has been on, which has been a big hole in enjoying LHN. That, and mega-douche Lowell Galindo is an instant repellant to watching.
  8. Texas 32 Maryland 19
  9. Never too many. Will end up watching about 8 of them, and they add to a good sports menu of NBA, Stars hockey, and college basketball.
  10. Surely, the administration has written its sternly-worded letter where they offer Urban an extension, raise, and new car.
  11. Thanks for that. My mom died from incurable liver cancer when I was a kid, and i just was too young to dabble in familial necrophilia. Since my mom's long gone, perhaps, y'know... your mom free tonight?
  12. Sports media realignment talk not going away. Unfortunately, it appears that Lowell Galindo is not going away either.
  13. Wanted to donate sperm, but paypal only took cash.
  14. Michelle Herman helping Coutney Smith pay her legal bills is awesomeness. Smith, Meyer, and Snook deserve a prison shower stall with Sandusky.
  15. Talked to a buckeye fan today. He says for being stupid, Urbs just needs to run the stadium steps, mop up the dining hall, and sit out the first half of the first game
  16. Well, if it's that important, I'll have to catch a cab to my bank and cash a traveler's cheque.
  17. Word out of federal prison is that Schlichter has bet his cellmates 3 Cleveland Steamers and a tossed salad that Urbs will skate.
  18. Great man.
  19. Probably go cold stroke myself.
  20. 6.22.18 Koko scared. Koko don't know what happening. Koko no like heaven. Koko find too hot. Man with pitchfork poke Koko in gorilla. Koko scared heaven always gonna be hot. Koko meet Hitler this morning. Hitler talk too loud. Koko no like Koko life. Physical life no good cause Koko meet Robin William. Koko no like Robin William. Robin William make Koko nervous. Koko remember. Koko have much courtesy laughter. Koko want baby. But Koko no want to accept penis. Penis mean to Koko. Koko think Mav draft sub-par. Koko want to take Donnie Nelson to task. Kitten want Koko. Koko need kitten. Yes, Koko get kitten. But kitten run over by Miata. Koko mad at Miata. Koko thank you. Jabari down in heaven with Koko. Jabari mean to Koko. Jabari pry penis upon Koko. Koko rip penis off and put penis in Koko Barbie Dreamhouse. Koko already impartial. Koko receives beating from George. Koko receive beating from George. George no like way Koko smell. Koko think Cowboy make mistake in releasing Dez. Koko want to come on Muser every Friday. Koko has 20 more minutes of Koko talk now. Koko take your calls at 888-787-KOKO. Koko's fading out.
  21. 6th round rookie bashing his college coaches on instatwit?
  22. The only thing going on in politics is that the billionaires are thinning the herd. They get a faster return on investment when the R's are in power. The internet is so much better reading our list of 2019 recruits and the ` RC didn't offer ` forum
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