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Everything posted by PilotsError

  1. Houston wasn't good either people. Neither was KState. JFC.
  2. What a dumb fucking call. Absolutely insane.
  3. Am I the only one who thinks there is zero point zero chance Dipshit Dabo ends up at Bama? Five years ago? Sure.
  4. I had to unsubscribe from a YouTube channel I really like because they WOULD NOT FUCKING change the goddamn battery.
  5. They want the conference to act so they can get rid of a competitor, not because they’re morally outraged.
  6. the dipshit is on the spectrum or is extremely socially awkward. He honestly thinks everyone is reading his 26 paragraph responses to every minute point someone brings up.
  7. I've probably seen The Whole Nine Yards a hundred times. I know it was popular back in the day when it was always on TNT but it still holds up for me. Michael Clarke Duncan is done, Perry is gone, Bruce Willis is gone mentally...sad.
  8. There is no way that's true. Mark Davis does not seem like he would possess the faculties to make that sort of joke.
  9. JFC. We are literally hours past barely beating Houston. Shut the fuck up.
  10. They are terrible. We should win convincingly.
  11. I don’t know how the fuck you people put up with this.
  12. the NCAA is like the feds, they only go after those who won’t or can’t fight back. Michigan has proven they’ll cooperate and submit to the NCAA so it’ll keep happening.
  13. Sooners are just upset that LR leaving exposed OU as a stepping stone school.
  14. Everyone loved the final Batman (Bane) when it came out but it's embarrassing now. I've seen it twice since the theater and it's absolutely awful.
  15. That would be admitting Football matters. If there's one thing Texas fans/admin love to emphasize it's how Above It All they are.
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