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Everything posted by PilotsError

  1. She doesn't know. Right. She don't you in there.
  2. I grew up in the 80s and my friends were all scared of Freddy and Jason and Tales from the Crypt. But this show made me turn on all the lights. The creepy music, his voice, the disappearances and possible ghosts. Creepy as fuck. Even as an adult, if I hear the theme to that it immediately takes me back.
  3. Way too many fucking timelines in season three right now. Good grief.
  4. The only a la carte you're going to get is per show, not per channel. I only have Netflix and Prime (and an HBO subscription through Prime, which I rarely use). If I want to watch a show that isn't on those, like Better Call Saul, I just buy the season on Amazon and watch Monday mornings. That's the best we're ever gonna get. I've cut my sports consumption by 95% and other shows just as drastically. I just don't care anymore and I continue to be shocked by how much people watch. Streaming will always beat the Cable companies though. The price for these services is the same every month and cancellation is one click. The cable companies were absolute fucking criminals. Promise you a price and three months later jack it up, then deny you were ever offered. Getting through with them was a pain in the ass and cancellation was an Olympic event. Absolute fucking criminals. For now anyway, streaming is not that.
  5. Started running a week ago. Well, "running." I have a Couch to 5K app. Been doing it everyday. It's a mental thing. Getting myself out the door and running is a task, but once I'm doing it, I enjoy it. So far it's running 60 seconds, walking 90, but it's more than I've ever done as an adult.
  6. Subtitles for me. Like I said earlier, the script needs to be tight or it could quickly go off the rail.
  7. Half this country was unemployed with draconian social laws. There were going to be riots no matter what.
  8. YouTube Premium gets rid of all the commercials. I don't know how people function without it.
  9. Hey if you enjoyed this post can you go and smash that like button? It really helps me out. Also, don't forget to subscribe for more content and hit that little bell so you won't miss any of my upcoming posts. Thanks.
  10. This advertisement just showed up on my feed
  11. "designed in America, made in ________" Get the fuck out of here with this shit.
  12. Walked out of Rollerball, an LL Cool J movie. It sucked from the beginning, and halfway through there was a scene that was all in night vision, and we just all got up and left.
  13. This whole conversation is going way over your head.
  14. This was a great show for the first season and a half. Then it got stupid. The Monica story line along ruined the entire show. I'm on season three, but I'm hate watching. This is the first show I've ever hate watched. I'm rooting for every one of these troglodyte retards to die.
  15. Its a known fact that disease will force itself into dormancy for the right political causes.
  16. Halfway through season one of Money Heist. I avoided it because of the stupid name. I'm watching with subtitles, not dubbed. It's great so far, although this Professor sucks at picking the right people for the team. Unless that's part of the plan.
  17. This is so retarded. I can't believe anyone still cares about this season even if it started today. Much less on July fucking thirty first.
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