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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Tailgate

  1. ~$300/round. Ended up booking at Puerto Los Cabos.
  2. Anyone have recs for Cabo courses that are open to public?
  3. Anyone have golf recommendations? Read where Cabo Real was in tough condition…haven’t played anywhere there yet.
  4. SHIBA INU saying don’t forget about me…
  5. Yeah they always do it
  6. They said there would be no math. For you Casio Databank fans/math wizards….what could happen if ETFs and regular BTC crypto platforms obtain all existing bitcoin? Or will price keep going up as the chase goes on? Always sellers? My interest was peaked when I was told it was finite (21m). EDIT - Google is your friend
  7. Find a brokerage that will let you buy IBIT. Put as much as you want. I wouldn’t try and time it, like anything else.
  8. I am buying more BTC this week.
  9. Beautiful images on this page. Y’all have some strong photo skills. \m/
  10. Hire fast. Fire faster.
  11. Jumped in on COIN pre earnings for a rare earnings/short #bull play for me. Ok.
  12. I’m just pumped about Saturdays at DKR during football season from this year moving forward. There are going to be some epic matches here in ATX. I’ve waited many years, like a lot of us, for the type of schedules we are seeing now for home games. LFG! \m/
  13. Chicken and sausage gumbo.
  14. NVDA now worth as much as the entire Chinese stock market.
  15. Yep. It was a gut punch when I saw the news. Positioned myself with some nice season tickets at Moody and we were off to the races….until….damn.
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