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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Tailgate

  1. Anyone have a link to stream? Traveling and ESPN and others not working in my region.
  2. Vandy wanted this one more. They look like a better team also. Regardless of the BS calls.
  3. Ironically enough. The only two college football helmets I own. My sister is a professor at ASU. Should be a fun one.
  4. Really hope the great season SMU had doesn’t end in disaster.
  5. Put the backup in. Jennings is either on Vegas payroll or brain dead today.
  6. All of Gameday picked PSU. I hope SMU rolls these clowns.
  7. Appreciate these comments. Will be reviewing holding my own device or letting unchained handle it.
  8. I’m not as tech savvy as I used to be. I have heard once you have a seed phrase it doesn’t matter what it’s on. My original concern was hardware/drive failing. My neighbor is using unchained and likes how they work. Was just curious if anyone here has looked at them. Also, right before I was going to go on ledger some time ago…someone told me ledger may actually have access to drives/your crypto? Like they released a recovery option for a fee…meaning they have a way in? I do want to do something sooner than later…
  9. Anyone here have experience with Unchained Capital in Austin? I need to get a long-term cold storage plan. I haven’t had the nerves to drop my crypto on a thumb drive/ledger etc.
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