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Everything posted by DixonHur

  1. "This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning" - Winston Churchill
  2. Now that's something I could get behind ...got my driver's license in '87 which was a game changer for me.
  3. SIAP The Romans predicted this 2,000 years ago
  4. I look forward to Niblack trying to block Simmons and Moore ...or literally anyone.
  5. People don't matter anymore, money does and there was probably over a trillion dollars of collective net worth at the inauguration today.
  6. The greatest trick the Devil ever played was convincing the world that God exist. The wicked live long, healthy lives, while the good die, before their time, of horrible diseases.
  7. I hope Sark hires an actual OC to handle the play calling. Not questioning Sark's ability as a play caller, and 100% want him deeply involved in game planning the offense and initial script, but I'd just rather he focus on being a HC during the game.
  8. I don't really follow basketball until after football season, so assuming it's a forgone conclusion that RT is gone, who are some of the realistic options Surly would want us to go after?
  9. I was today years old when I found out there was an East Tennessee State university
  10. No CR, but by Fall there might not be a DOE
  11. Perhaps I'm hitting the Kool Aid a little early, but I see upgrades almost across the board. Banks was a stalwart, but I have to say I was impressed with Goosby when Banks missed time. The only real question marks for me are who will replace Golden, will Baker be ready for his close-up, and can Washington block as well as Helm.
  12. Maybe we need to portal a kicker named Jesus.
  13. Fuck all that, over the past few months, my moral compass has all but vanished. An watching my former bellwether, Obama, yucking it up with Trump at Carter's funeral officially broke me. I'm ready for Thunder Dome. Just win baby! Bring on X Field at DOGE Memorial Stadium
  14. We need to up our billionaire benefactor game to stay competitive. Does Elon have any kids that want to go to UT? We can offer early enrollment for the young ones
  15. Pshaw, @Brisketexan is a MexiCAN, not a Mexican't
  16. Nope. My brother and sister went to ND. I can't lose the most recent National Championship bragging rights.
  17. This right here Which reminds me, when is the CFL draft?
  18. Hate to burst your bubble, but the belligerent OSU fans were the normal OSU fans. The others were the outliers.
  19. Ryan Day brought in an OC so he could focus on being the HC, and, IMO, it proved to be the deciding factor. Sark needs to do the same.
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