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Everything posted by DixonHur

  1. Too tricky? That's a TD if Wisner has hands
  2. This. Sark is still going through is scripted plays to see how the D reacts. Once he sees where the weaknesses are he'll attack.
  3. Anyone have any WiFi trail camera recommendations?
  4. Wait, so does that mean Venables is worse than Schnellenberger?
  5. Which Arnold would you rather have at QB?
  6. Good thing they just signed Brent to a 6-year extension. Good for Texas, I mean.
  7. Owner/Editor-in-Chief is Iranian ...like legit born in Iran, not Iranian decent.
  8. In news that will shock no one, Trump's $100,000 'Swiss-Made" watches, are not made in Switzerland. The company he licensed his name to, TheBestWatchesOnEarth LLC, is run out of the same Wyoming strip center storefront as a company that sells honey mixed with Viagra ...no that's not a typo. And the spokesman's name is Vladimir Dmitriev. Wonder how long it will take to tie this guy to Russia. Are Trump’s ‘Swiss-Made’ Watches From Wyoming? (nymag.com)
  9. I don't care what the polls say, I 💯 believe this election will be a blowout victory for Harris. Book it.
  10. Hey man, it's scary when you have to cross over the East River to play those Upper East & West Side thugs.
  11. Yeah, god forbid there are multiple reasons. Putting 12 men on the field is about lowering the chances of a successful play, thereby lessening the time on the clock. Getting the penalty is about prepping for the next play. It's really not that complicated.
  12. I'd want the penalty so play stops and allows you me to substitute more easily after the expected incompletion. Without the penalty tOSU could have dictated the tempo.
  13. Yes, but the chances of a completion go down considerably when you have 12 defenders.
  14. To run 4 seconds off the clock
  15. After hearing his explanation and rewatching the play, it did kinda look planned. With all the pointing by the DBs and coach basically pushing the player on the field, it's like they wanted to refs to see the new guy, so they were sure to call it. He looks like a dumbass either way. But I'd argue there is not a small chance for that situation to occur. Those last second drills happen a lot, and if you can take 40% of the time off the clock, basically taking the game from 2 plays to 1, it's a smart move. Underhanded and unfair, but smart as longs as you don't get caught. But bragging about it is not smart. Oregon won the game, so just deny, deny, deny.
  16. Maybe, but that's even dumber. Why would you cop to breaking a rule like that on purpose? If it happens again by accident he could be penalized 15 yards now that he's openly said he did it on purpose. So, either he's an idiot for having 12 men on the field after a time out, or he's an idiot for admitting to knowingly cheating when he didn't knowingly cheat. Either way, not a great look.
  17. So Lanning is a cheating bastard ...who could have guessed. Fuck him and fuck Nike U.
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