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Everything posted by DixonHur

  1. Don't worry guys, we've got the Panthers coming up in December, so we should get at least 1 more win for the season.
  2. Perhaps, but he was still bracketed, so it was a dumb throw. CD probably didn't think Dak was that dumb... but apparently gave him too much credit
  3. So, apparently, we don't trust our $250M QB to throw it 20 years so we run the full back up the middle and settle for a field goal instead. smh
  4. Guyton is the one player whose back-up might actually be an upgrade
  5. Preston Pearson was my next-door neighbor when I was growing up, so he's always top of mind when it comes to the Pearsons.
  6. Then he shouldn't be starting. He is terrible. And I'll make a bet right now that he never will.
  7. Has anyone else noticed that Guyton sucks? Or is it just my unbelievable powers of observation?
  8. Tripped on the return, do not want. 😂
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