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Everything posted by DixonHur

  1. Because I thought you were saying the SJSU player, in particular, was a national issue. Not that trans rights are a national issue True, but I'd argue that no one is switching votes over it
  2. Don't tease me with a philosophical debate, you minx. I don't believe in a universal morality... But I wish there were a philosophy board...or if there is I wish I knew where it was.
  3. Wrong. I came into this thread commenting on @52-80 and @troph's fair minded discussion about ways to make changes. That is what I've been discussing the whole time. You have been trying to drag me into a debate about GOP culture wars against the trans community. That's not my desire on this thread so I refuse to engage in that line of thought. Mostly because we probably agree and so it would be boring.
  4. Holy misogyny Batman. Other than that I'd love for you to point to the post where I said it should be legislated.
  5. Lol, this exemplifies the CR more than any other post. This Dixon guy's opinion doesn't align 100% with mine, ergo he is a Trump supporter. The leopards may indeed eat my face, but it won't be due to me voting for their party.
  6. Well, then therein lies the issue. That IS what I'm talking about. As I've repeated, two things can be true. I don't give a shit about the GOP's current culture war, but that doesn't mean there isn't merit in discussing the underlying supposition.
  7. Yes. The point is the ban. Again, two things can be true. But I'm glad to know that my idea of un-gendering sports and replacing the qualifications to participate with SPARQ score type criteria is about power, cruelty and punishment.
  8. I see you're conflating every single trans issue into sports. Good job. Nuanced, you are not.
  9. No. I'm trying to bring some perspective. The level of victimhood and virtue signaling some people exhibit in the CR is mind bottling. I've offered up what I think is a viable solution to the issue... crickets. I make a freedom fries joke and all the sudden I'm Hitler. But let's follow your example. Say Congress bans trans women from participating in women's sports... not gonna happen, but let's pretend. What's the actual result? Honestly. Estimate the actual damage. Playing sports on a HS, collegiate, or professional team is not an unalienable right. Would it suck for some people? Absolutely, but is that the metric we want to apply to all situations? If anyone is disaffected than it cannot happen?
  10. So, you're saying people should stop hating other people? I think you're on to something there. I'm surprised no one else has thought of that in the last 500,000 years. Does your hyperbole know no bounds? What rights and, whose lives does my suggestion trample?
  11. So it's the same level of "national issue" as Freedom Fries? Got it.
  12. I think calling it a "national issue" is a bit hyperbolic. As far as I can tell, it's had more legs here than anywhere else. But, to your questions: When did you start feeling strongly about women's sports? Why? I don't I feel strongly about women's sports, nor do I think you need to. To me, this isn't sports issue, per se, it's a boarder philosophical exercise. Did you think transgendered individuals didn't exist before? I had a trans professor at UT, so yes, I was aware of the existence of trans people. But are you suggesting that trans women were participating in HS and College athletics before say 10 years ago? How many people do you think this affects? Define "affects"? There are about 8.5 milllion HS and collegiate athletes in the US. So, if roughly 3% of the population identifies as either trans or intersex, that's about 255k. But there seems to be less of an issue with female to male trans, so cut that in half and call it 125k. If you're talking about the "potential" of the US (not even gonna contemplate the world)... there are about 33 million biological males between the ages of 10 and 24, so that's just under a 1 million. Do you think that sports bodies are incapable of developing rules to cover these very niche situations? No. Lance Armstrong out front shoulda told you Do you really think this is important enough that state and national legislation needs to be involved? No, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be addressed or discussed in public. My solution is quite simple and certainly not new. Plato designed an entire republic on a similar concept. Eliminate gender segregation in sport. Qualifications would be based on something akin to a SPARQ score.
  13. If you believe this you may be as, if not more, narrow minded than those you are attempting the castigate. You're basically telling people that they either think like you or they are bigoted. How is that constructive to the debate? More to the point, how does that leave any room for debate? Believe it or not, two things can be true. Some, maybe much, of the push back against trans women competing against cis women might be a result of bigoted thinking. That doesn't mean all of it is. Nor does it mean it shouldn't be discussed.
  14. Not to mention bring home the hardware with the Davey O and H-Tro's La Jolla yeets the rock
  15. So, you're saying it will win the Oscar for Best Picture?
  16. He's a symptom, not the problem. This has been going on since the explosion of TV coverage. All these broadcasters need a catchphrase, so they just throw out random shit like tuddy and dinger. The genesis for me was Chris Berman's pathological need to make up nicknames for players.
  17. Your post, and that of many I've read on this thread, seem to be conflating results with process.
  18. I've been deathly ill all week so I'm just catching up on all things Surly, and whoo boy is this thread a doozy. Just finished the thread and here's my hot take... Y'all can bash @52-80, but from my unbiased perspective he's been one of the more reasonable posters in this thread... along with @troph. Although, I think her proximity to the issue clouds her at times. I think we can all agree that nobody gives a shit about rec sports, so let's put a pin in that one. That leaves competitive level sports. So, the question is, when does rec sports become competitive? IE what it the definition of competitive level sports? Is it simply based on average talent level? Age? Or does sponsorship money, or the potential for sponsorship money (NIL, pro sports, etc.) need to be present?
  19. Wait, you've got indoor plumbing? Lucky bastard!
  20. Bobo is a shit OC. That was a terrible play call after you've watched Beck trying to throw to that side all night.
  21. We're set at WR. Spend that $5mil elsewhere
  22. I'm going to go out on a limb here, but this Williams kid might be pretty good
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