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Everything posted by DixonHur

  1. It's closer to Vegas than Albuquerque and almost as close to Vegas as it is to Phoenix. I was just in Flagstaff last week, and the problem I saw was the cost of housing. Other than that it's amazing.
  2. Sounds like something you might want to see your gastroenterologist about.
  3. Plus, the Minnesota National Guard weighed in to back Gov. Walz. Wonder if the MSM will pick this up as aggressively as they did the slander by the GOP. I think we all know the answer, but I'm holding out hope. Tim Walz couldn't possibly know his unit would deploy before he retired, DoD info shows (bostonherald.com) "He left because of pending deployment" - BULLSHIT "He lied about his rank" - BULLSHIT
  4. Yeah, from his Hudl he seems like an athletic freak, but size wise, he seems like a tweener, but I'm not pretending to be an expert (today)... just wondering what the folks who follow this more closely are hearing/thinking.
  5. Today I learned that South Africa is in Europe. I think you meant to say "Excess of evil" @TexArcher, just how much have you had to drink this evening?
  6. I can't believe I have to explain something so simple... but here you go. The bear in question was a cub... IE baby bear. New York is a liberal state, which means abortion after birth is legal, ergo no permit was required.
  7. Don't sleep on Colin. I know it was AISD, but dude rushed for over 1,700 yards his senior season in HS.
  8. Just to circle the square, Snopes did a good job debunking the Swiftboat claims... Unpacking the Controversy Over Tim Walz's Military Service | Snopes.com
  9. Nope. It's actually him. He's all over the place saying it.
  10. Probably a combo. But I doubt it's a coincidence that Sark "recommended" so many of them, including 2023 starters, hit the portal in January.
  11. Talk about dishonorable and misleading... John Kolb was NOT Tim Walz' Battalion Commander! He was the commander of the battalion AFTER Walz retired in May. LTC John Kolb, Aug. 1, 2005 - Dec. 2, 2007 Minnesota National Guard Staff Lineages – Minnesota National Guard (azurewebsites.us) Fuck these motherfuckers and their Swift Boat tactics.
  12. Thanks for clearing that up. As someone of Italian descent I just want to make sure there's not cultural appropriation of the pejoratives. We earned those names fair-and-square. Stay in your lanes!
  13. Yeah, as a Texas city slicker, I always assumed Chicano was an LA thing
  14. I know a Mexican woman who loves eyeball tacos. Says it's popular where she comes from. Sounds effing gross to me.
  15. Did we ever come to a consensus on what makes up the greater Houston area? I really don't feel comfortable moving on to other topics until that's buttoned up.
  16. Yup. It's so frustrating. The retirement rank is just used to calculate your pay in retirement, it's not the highest rank you served as.
  17. This is such a pedantic argument, but it will work with the rubes in the GOP base. He earned the rank of E-9, but retired as an E-8 because he didn't complete the coursework needed to retire at E-9. It happens all the time. This is not unique, and he was not demoted.
  18. I thought greasers were Italians, and Hispanics were beaners. We really need to align our pejoratives.
  19. I heard they use a sundial to time him in the 40
  20. Why? Have they not read Project 2025? If they have, why isn't that a bigger deal for them than anything Kamala could propose? Like, really, how fucked up would Kamala's platform have to be to be worse than Trump's? I mean, she could literally say "I'm just gonna snort cocaine in the Oval Office for 4 years", and that would still be far better for the country than a 2nd Trump Presidency.
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