You're missing the point.
What you're doing is exactly what's wrong with the messaging of Democratic party.
You can't appeal to people using pedantic, and academic arguments. What people FEEL is more important than trying to make them understand minute details.
The Czech people who lived under "communism", don't care about the dictionary definition. They care about their experience. And for many of the older working class, they felt more secure before the wall fell. The younger generation is different, but all they've known is capitalism and democracy.
Here, a lot of working class people feel like things are going in the wrong direction... Immigration, higher prices, etc They're not interested in a Harvard economist explaining that the inflation is not Biden's fault, or that immigration is a net positive to the economy, or that they live in the richest country on earth.
That's not their experience, so they gravitate to the party speaking to them on their level.
You might not like that, but the sooner you and the Democratic party realize that, the better.
Obama and Bill Clinton got that, so not sure why the Dems went back to their old tricks in 2016.