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Gardner Barnes

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Everything posted by Gardner Barnes

  1. Motherfucker. I am also with goose head. Fuck these guys. I sent a similar note just now.
  2. It’s fucking rich watching Mitch Mconnell bitch about expanding tribalism and a “spiral of vengeance” Take the loss pussy.
  3. No joke. I had a terrifying dream last night that Gritty was looking in my window. Freaked me out and I could not go back to sleep.
  4. Seriously. What are y’all’s guesses about what happens between today and the inauguration? Here are some of my guesses Attack Iran - 75% chance Trump runs to foreign country - 60% chance MAGA riot/terrorism somewhere - 40% chance Trump doesn’t leave WH - 15% chance Trump tweets a shitload of conspiracy theories and blames Pence for his loss - 100% chance
  5. Just heard on CNN that he lost 91 of 100 largest counties in the country. #thanksTrump
  6. from the Republican election official in GA... https://twitter.com/davidnakamura/status/1346855403041259520?s=21 Also.. Press: what is the cause of this loss Sterling: Donald J Trump
  7. Trump is bound and determined to put Pence in an wet hole he can’t get out of. Such a hairy situation. This should be a warning to any politician that wants to align him or herself with this cunt.
  8. This summer. It’s supposed to ready for the next school year. They broke ground back in June.
  9. I’d be down with an Aldi wanting to move into Austin in that location. With the wrestling facility opening up I don’t see EISD needing to take over that lease.
  10. I think the GWB silence speaks volumes. Especially in light of the actions of comrade Cruz and other repubs. I’m ok with it.
  11. Spoiler I was just about to post something similar. Would the UK not extradite him?
  12. Really great post. Before I got off Facebook permanently a few months ago I noted how many parents were posting variations of “I have to work and don’t have time (for my kids)”
  13. Indeed. Give me any reason to not go near central Austin -literally ANY reason.
  14. Fratellis pizza laps that shitty Austin’s pizza. Those fuckers screw up my god damn order every single fucking time. It’s gotten to the point that I have to go in there for carry out to check everything for accuracy. Now. If we can just replace Stein mart with a beer hall....
  15. I’ll be honest. I’m pleasantly surprised his SCOTUS appointees didn’t quid pro quo.
  16. From the comments in that thread. Holy shit. This is sad as fuck
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