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Gardner Barnes

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Everything posted by Gardner Barnes

  1. True. but locked Twitter accounts for people like Trump and his merry band of insanity is painful. I also believe that the social stigma of exposure more broadly will stain some of these people's live for a long time.
  2. Im getting real fucking tired of these seditionists trying to say they weren't involved when the Find Out part of FAAFO starts. What a bunch of cowardly cosplay pussies. but then again, they support the biggest coward of all so I guess I should not be surprised.
  3. Dana Bash on CNN just now: Pelosi has been assured by senior members of the pentagon that Trump will have no access to the nuclear codes for the remainder of his term. I mean, thats great. However it is just another fucking example of why the fat fuck needs to be put out on the street.
  4. There is so much fucking around and finding out. I cant say I am not enjoying it. also.
  5. I have not seen my Trumper MIL this week but she used to show my wife and I Trump's signature as an example of great leadership. "Look how he signs things, it's incredible." Methinks she is probably in that 52% group.
  6. Yes. They voted. Hawley protested Pennsylvania. Biden is certified. Hawley and Cruz are seditionists.
  7. Motherfucker. I am also with goose head. Fuck these guys. I sent a similar note just now.
  8. It’s fucking rich watching Mitch Mconnell bitch about expanding tribalism and a “spiral of vengeance” Take the loss pussy.
  9. No joke. I had a terrifying dream last night that Gritty was looking in my window. Freaked me out and I could not go back to sleep.
  10. Seriously. What are y’all’s guesses about what happens between today and the inauguration? Here are some of my guesses Attack Iran - 75% chance Trump runs to foreign country - 60% chance MAGA riot/terrorism somewhere - 40% chance Trump doesn’t leave WH - 15% chance Trump tweets a shitload of conspiracy theories and blames Pence for his loss - 100% chance
  11. Just heard on CNN that he lost 91 of 100 largest counties in the country. #thanksTrump
  12. from the Republican election official in GA... https://twitter.com/davidnakamura/status/1346855403041259520?s=21 Also.. Press: what is the cause of this loss Sterling: Donald J Trump
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