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Gardner Barnes

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Everything posted by Gardner Barnes

  1. She got divorced and did normal divorced lady things. You know B&E, trespassing, terroristic threats to her ex’s new wife. I think there was a Dwi in there. Just the normal things you would expect from a narcissistic psycho whose doesn’t work and lives off her parents.
  2. Hahaha. Macey Kroex got arrested again!!!! What a psycho
  3. Who gets to pick the painter of the presidential portrait? I think they should pick Jim Carey.
  4. This part of the video was for real laugh out loud funny
  5. I really don’t have a relevant response here other than this was the first thing that came to mind when I read your post
  6. This is where I am - I’ve written them off. Im about to add my nutcase home school brother ans his family to this list. I’m nice to my in-laws because my wife is not ready to take this step yet and they are good grandparents to my kids. Maybe things will change in a few years. But I am not confident that it will.
  7. The random viral comedians like Blair, the redneck fake trumper guy, and Sarah Cooper have given me many lols
  8. My mil told my wife last night that if Texas turns blue she is going to move to....Mississippi “or somewhere else with a brain”. Me: Ok
  9. Does he have a gnarly set of tools? Can he fix it?
  10. I see you have gone full contrarian here. That’s cool. No they aren’t right now. But when their guy is removed from power and that guy inevitably encourages violence and/or revolt, it is my contention that they will. Currently they are still under the delusion that they are going to win. I have received several texts from trumper friends just this week predicting a Trump landslide.
  11. The Westlake volleyball program is under quarantine for 2 weeks. Multiple positives. All as a result of the kids going to parties on the weekend.
  12. Yeah. I don’t agree here. Those two idiots might return to yelling at clouds. But there are just enough idiots out there to cause real problems.
  13. Yes. But it’s also going to be a shitshow. Im going to claim Covid exposure so I don’t have to be around my goddamn family of trumpers during thanksgiving.
  14. A WHS position group all came up positive. DL I believe - I have no idea where the position group got it. APH subsequently declared the tram a cluster. The Todd Dodge decided that the rules didn’t apply to him. APH very forcefully showed they do. Here is the letter that the entire football org got
  15. A WHS position group all came up positive. DL I believe - I have no idea where the position group got it. APH subsequently declared the tram a cluster. The Todd Dodge decided that the rules didn’t apply to him. APH very forcefully showed they do. Here is the letter that the entire football org got
  16. Pretty entertaining 24 hours. APH demanded all Westlake football players test for covid. They can’t play (for two weeks) unless they can produce a negative test or a positive antibody result from this weekend.
  17. She said because she will be so depressed. Well. Ok.
  18. Pretty much this. She has been insufferable over the past 6 months.
  19. My mother in law told my wife that if Biden wins she is going to cancel Christmas. Ummm. Ok?
  20. https://media3.giphy.com/media/xUOxf7BoJ9L9f5dR5K/giphy.gif?cid=4d1e4f294cca2f94589de1174225879fff593e75dc6c0625&rid=giphy.gif
  21. Stephanie Wolkoff said she does this on purpose for attention and that they are both on the same page most of the time.
  22. It’s cool man. I used to do it all the time and my kids called me on it a few years ago. One of them works with the special olympics. Anyway - again I know it is just part of the lexicon right now and something we need to make a conscious effort to change. You are a great poster and I am confident you meant no harm, I just am committed to calling people out on it.
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