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Gardner Barnes

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Everything posted by Gardner Barnes

  1. I get your point. But I know 2 out of 3 of those exist. Albeit they are called Rutgers and SUNY
  2. Sucks for the players too. Eats up a year of eligibility.
  3. This is the line if thought I received my from trumper friends this am. They need to gaslight the deaths away asap..
  4. And some of y'all.were worried that he was going to course correct.... It's Trump. He can't help himself
  5. Nice little Robert E Lee dog whistle in the back.
  6. This guy on YouTube has some great videos explaining various features and the related historical context. https://www.youtube.com/c/StrangeManChannel
  7. I love that you do this. I was a pharm rep for about a year out of college and fucking quit. What a whore of a job. All they are are walking billboards. It's not fucking sales.
  8. I hear that this is the workaround for TEA on campus rules that most districts around here will implement. On campus Karens are going to be pissed
  9. I dont think he even has children. He is just here to be his usual unpleasant self.
  10. That sucks. My kid is being recruited by them.
  11. So many people disagree with me here simce they are all mid to late 70s CBGB but I wouldn’t call them punk - even though they were contemporaries with the Ramones and Dictators. Television, Suicide, and the Talking Heads are more art rock. Fight me
  12. In my wife’s school a slight majority of parents are single income. I can see it for dual income (it’s still wrong but whatever). However many of the moms she calls are working out or playing fucking tennis and can’t be bothered.
  13. Wife is a school nurse in an elementary school with 650 kids. This happens DAILY. Like EVERY DAY. But even worse some parents don’t answer the phone when the fever spiked and she calls them. 95% of the time the mother is called first. She found The only way around this was to call the secondary contact - usually the father. After she does this she usually gets a call back within 5 minutes from the mother. TLDR people fucking lie all the time wrt/ their kids for personal convenience.
  14. The questions answers about the cognitive test are so fucking embarrassing. “It’s an elephant”
  15. Worked for that shithole Maria’s Taco Express. She even got some subsidies out of it
  16. Ya. But what if it is his low end of 40? I think that is close to the amount of high schools in the Central Texas (I just counted 50) Would you be cool sending your kid to campus knowing that he or she or one of thier classmates are going to die this school year as a direct result of being in school?
  17. This is some 3rd world failed state bullshit
  18. That book is coming out tomorrow. He is going to say something absurd to dominate the news cycle.
  19. I love nyc but y’all are being really hard on this dude because he doesn’t love it. He said hard on.
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