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Gardner Barnes

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Everything posted by Gardner Barnes

  1. Played club against singletary several times. Best player I saw in the class of 22. She is also a really nice kid. We had a long delay and A5 and our team had a dance off. It was funny as hell. Anyway after that the girls got to know lots of their players between games. They all loved Singletary.
  2. Yeah. We have enough money and pull with Nike. They should have gotten her a jersey. That’s some weak ass shit.
  3. As o said a whole back. #3 the DB for Westlake is being exposed.
  4. Lol. I was 20 seconds behind. WL secondary is being exposed for the first time all year.
  5. Westlake this week: Greathouse is out Land is out 3 starting OL are out.
  6. Does the uil have a deal with nfhs? I can find several of them there.
  7. Ooo. That’s going to be trouble for WL. As I stated above, one of the CBs is very beatable. He will need a lot of help from Magids the safety.
  8. I think it’s a Westlake thing. We have won 3 in a row afterall. Like 2 posts above yours is someone calling out a win against LT is good for SA. The football parents at WL annoy me but I like most of the kids a lot. Many of them are friends with my daughters. Generally we cheer for the kids and ignore the goings on everywhere else. I sympathize with the SA community a bit here.
  9. Westlake won 44-7 I believe Land was benched in the 1st. Greathouse was injured and never returned to the game.
  10. You have pretty much described Jack Kayser at Westlake. That dude is no more than 5’8” on a good day.
  11. Similar problems for different reason. Anderson was an excellent runner and a meh passer. Plus Anderson got hurt and Micheaux wasn’t ready. So the offense had fits and starts. Land can’t run like he could though. Land is more like Micheaux but not near as accurate. Also in 2019 The foundation of the great OL and DL over the next 3 years were starting to show. I think that OL was better than this one.
  12. My kids at at WL. I’m certainly a fan. But this is by far the weakest team in 4-5 years. Land is a nice kid but not accurate. The OL is not near as strong as it has been (especially at GCG) and the CB deficiencies are hidden by a 6’4” freak safety and a good pass rush. They may win, but if NS is going to win this is the year.
  13. Westlake weakness are thier CBs. Especially the one on the left side who NB threw at repeatedly (denim Collins). He is young and sloppy. SB isn’t going to be able to exploit that. North Shore will.
  14. God damn. I have to plus one this one also. So very very true. Daughter 1 dated a FB player who hardly drank and partied. Daughter 2 is dating a fb player that doesn’t drink. Both boys are excellent students and arent into that party scene bullshit. Daughter 1 and her bf broke up for college No drama, just a mature decision
  15. I’ve been there buddy. I’m assuming he is a senior. Make sure and take every moment you can with him because August will be here in a split second. I can’t groove how fast it went by.
  16. Plus getting to spend a weekend with my daughter 1:1 traveling are minutes I wouldn’t trade for anything. I miss them now that she is a thousand miles away. Watching her on espn+ is not the same thing.
  17. All of this. All of it. I’ve lived it. I can unequivocally say my daughters skill at VB made who the confident young adult she is today. I don’t regret a single dollar I have spent to get her there.
  18. I also want to tell all of you that no matter how much your daughters think they are ready for the grind of being a college VB player they, they aren't. 4-5 days of intense club level practice + 6 days of lifting + travel for road games will wear them out. Our season is over soon and she is ready for the mandatory NCAA break. @Steven Avery @That Guy @royiv That said I wish you all great success during club season. Enjoy the wins and losses and the beers with the other parents on the team because it goes by fast. My youngest is embarking on her 16s year. We have LV, Spokane, and Atlanta this year.
  19. @royiv I dont see what this post by @Thatguy is referring to but all of this is 100% correct. I have a college VB player now. She decided around the age of 14 that she wanted to play in college and she worked through he club system and all of the above to get there. We usually did privates a few times a week in the offseason along with jump training etc. its a pay to play business in HS and if she wants to play club. If you dont, there are 1000s of girls that will and they will get better quicker this way. Plus colleges really only scout club tournaments. They dont come to HS games. This is why rural kids are so under recruited AND why kids drive hours to get to club practices. Hell the freshman middle for UT made 10 hour drives from SC to Atlanta a few times a week for 2 years so should could play for A5 (high level Atlanta club) and get recruited.
  20. So I admit that my view is limited to WL vs LT games but as you know WL focuses on success of the OL. They have excellent technique play low, use thier hands, make good line audibles, are prepared for stunts and hand off stunting rushers to the inside OL as well as any non P5 OL does. etc. They just maul the LT DL and have for years. LT DL play too high, don’t engage at the chest with thier hands, take poor first steps. They just rush or attack a space rather than reading the block or backs (in the case of the LBs) I mean it’s things that you teach in middle school. Thier coaching is so so bad.
  21. As I said up thread LT is irrelevant now. Thier line coaching has been poor for years and now that the good athlete are going to WL and Drip they will find themselves fighting for 3rd or 4th until they get better coaching.
  22. At this point Lake Travis is irrelevant and has been for a number of years. WL should be more concerned about the rise of Drip.
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