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Gardner Barnes

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Everything posted by Gardner Barnes

  1. First of all I posted this on the wrong thread obviously. Secondly some fucking prick accused me of being a racist because of unrelated issues we have with each other without provocation. Doxxed is the wrong term. Libel would be a better term.
  2. Never mind. I just got doxxed on ND but fuck them and fuck my shithead neighbors.
  3. It won’t last but I love that Texas is changing. I wager we are 12 years away from being a true purple state. https://www.statesman.com/news/20200603/quinnipiac-poll-trump-biden-too-tight-to-tellrsquo-in-texas
  4. Does he always take his “wife” and “kid” along with him during inspections?
  5. What do diamond and silk think?
  6. Interestingly, I noticed Drudge flipped on him around Thanksgiving. It was a dig here and there but he flat out shreds Trump these days.
  7. I thought that was a SNL bit. Holy SHIT that guy is elderly.
  8. "We long ago lost sight of normal, but this was a singularly immoral act," said Brendan Buck, a longtime former congressional aide who is now a Republican operative. "The president used force against American citizens, not to protect property, but to soothe his own insecurities. We will all move on to the next outrage, but this was a true abuse of power and should not be forgotten."
  9. Bill was $190. I called to cut the cord and told them I was laid off. They offered me $100 off for 6 months. If you want a short term discount it’s worth a shot. I cut the cord anyway however.
  10. They are owned by Darden. same chain that owns seasons 52, Capital Grill, and ..... Olive Garden.
  11. Yes. My more vocal trumper friends and family have been repeating it for a few days.
  12. Olive oil poached cod with roasted pepper purée + spinach salad with mint and lemon Sea salt dark chocolate pudding with homemade whipped cream and shaved dark chocolate Other daughter wanted ice cream on hers because she is a heathen
  13. I can understand being bummed about EyM closing. It was not my favorite but it was ok. Thredgills and Mag were just shitty and/or gross in recent years. The success of both harken back to days when this city was a restaurant wasteland. Both were terribly overrated. Sucks for the employees, but the CV was hardly the was the final straw for these two. I'm not sure if the Trudy's is going to emerge from bankruptcy, but losing it would be no great loss either.
  14. They won’t be able to scam as easily going forward. The virus eating up funds + prop tax limits + TCAD not raising rates should tie the hands of city hall for the foreseeable future. For example - one of the few good things about this virus is that it will kill the transit plan.
  15. The best part about this virus is that it will force the city to be way way more fiscally responsible and hopefully kill the transit plan.
  16. I only want to like this because I had no idea he was married to Schmoopy. Get well soon George
  17. Interesting point about Sysco. I have them as an account. They have roughly 40M sq feet of warehouse space in the Us and to offset mainline (foodservice) losses they are distributing to grocery. There is a lot of spare food out there.
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