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Gardner Barnes

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Everything posted by Gardner Barnes

  1. Yes. My more vocal trumper friends and family have been repeating it for a few days.
  2. Olive oil poached cod with roasted pepper purée + spinach salad with mint and lemon Sea salt dark chocolate pudding with homemade whipped cream and shaved dark chocolate Other daughter wanted ice cream on hers because she is a heathen
  3. I can understand being bummed about EyM closing. It was not my favorite but it was ok. Thredgills and Mag were just shitty and/or gross in recent years. The success of both harken back to days when this city was a restaurant wasteland. Both were terribly overrated. Sucks for the employees, but the CV was hardly the was the final straw for these two. I'm not sure if the Trudy's is going to emerge from bankruptcy, but losing it would be no great loss either.
  4. They won’t be able to scam as easily going forward. The virus eating up funds + prop tax limits + TCAD not raising rates should tie the hands of city hall for the foreseeable future. For example - one of the few good things about this virus is that it will kill the transit plan.
  5. The best part about this virus is that it will force the city to be way way more fiscally responsible and hopefully kill the transit plan.
  6. I only want to like this because I had no idea he was married to Schmoopy. Get well soon George
  7. Interesting point about Sysco. I have them as an account. They have roughly 40M sq feet of warehouse space in the Us and to offset mainline (foodservice) losses they are distributing to grocery. There is a lot of spare food out there.
  8. Fucking dead on. I have been annoyed enough over the past two weeks that I actually cut the cord Friday. Fuck these guys.
  9. What kind of schools fit this description? State funded schools aren’t going away. I wager it’s small private schools like Southwestern? Perhaps a large handful of New England schools? What about schools like Baylor or SMU? RD has posted the financial situation of aggy but I’m sure the state will backstop then like a bankrupt airline.
  10. Fucking onboard, of all posters, trying to operate as the thread police has been one of the most entertaining aspects of this thread.
  11. I have had ex-mil work for me. They make good worker bees. However I agree, in general they do have a harder time in ambiguous work situations. In a sales environment I find that if I give them a mechanical process they are very successful. For junior ex-mil I usually have to map out their day by the hour but once that is done they shine. They listen and adjust very well and generally respond to constructive criticism better than the general millennial population.
  12. Wow. Didn’t even think of issues like this. That sucks. How did you know it was CV19 positive? Did they tell dispatch? How Are CV19 positive arrests handled?
  13. The social stigma issue is probably why this is spreading rapidly in more affluent areas. Poors don’t gaf.
  14. Stole this from the aggy thread because aggy.... errrr DFW “SEC” fans. As of yesterday college station has almost 70 cases and 4 deaths. Baton Rouge probably has 100000000 cases.
  15. Jesus Christ. I had to go look it up to make sure it’s real. Yep. It’s real. And yep. It’s still up.
  16. Other than the whole death and putting my family at risk thing, I kind of want to fly to see if I get the upgrade.
  17. Oh it was fun. especially on neverending lines of cocaine. that said, SOME of the people in there were reprehensible. cough miniballer cough
  18. super secret squirrel. But none of the events between the brothers happened there. Rather a chat application. There were some nasty people that used to frequent that part of tos - present company included when i was much much less sober.
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