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Gardner Barnes

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Everything posted by Gardner Barnes

  1. One of those RB runs was for 21 on that 3rd and 40.
  2. Oh man. Please link me to this thread. Edit. Darn. Premium board.
  3. I know right? I think it makes it special. Also - it’s on a pita!
  4. This has to be some kind of record for driest aug and sept right?
  5. I know all three kids personally and admit that I do have biases not based on football skill set so i will try and set those aside. Micheaux is the pretty clear #1 in my mind. Raw skills wise Klubnick is probably the best but he is not ready yet. He bails out of the play the minute anyone gets near him in the pocket. Dodge is playing him to get him ready for next year. The kid is also an arrogant shithead and is as dumb as a rock. Willoughby is a great kid from a great family but is behind the other two.
  6. Before we know it badmofo is going to be leading some kind of Cambodian guerrilla army. We are going to have to send HenryJames to collect the bill.
  7. That dude looks the part. Always thought he is an outstanding take.
  8. Ha. Sorry. I didn’t even look at the name of the poster. Just the food pron.
  9. Westlake beat Akins a lot to not much. Meh. The teams in this district suck.
  10. At least some of them are trying... This guy handed out thank you notes to everyone in first.
  11. Add to that taking off to the south and landing from the north (so fucking aggravating)
  12. Have some rep. That looks outstanding. Also 5 glasses of wine and a cocktail? Well done my friend. Well done. *(Unless you were just creeping on the girl in the white)
  13. My 12 and 15 year olds both have cards. Originally it was for emergencies but we have found that it is also helpful when they go out with friends because we don’t have to go get them cash. Both of them have been very responsible with the cards.
  14. I laughed out loud at “2 star hobos” - mostly because I was one.
  15. I’ve become obsessed with getting all my stacks to level 13. Also Holy shit I need a lot of gold.
  16. Lindley is a real nice compliment to Mangum. You can’t double both of those kids. With their OL it’s like a video game out there for Micheaux. I’ll say I really don’t like how much Dodge is switching QBs
  17. Sounds like they played all 3 QBs tonight.
  18. We will find out tonight how far Westlake will go in the postseason. I’m interested to see how Micheaux does against that D.
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