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Gardner Barnes

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Everything posted by Gardner Barnes

  1. This. Every time I am there I am so amazed by the scope of the changes. This last trip I noticed the pending road infrastructure. I can’t fathom how had this project was to plan and manage.
  2. since I was there for work and didn’t want to spend my limited free time in a museum I decided to just walk and explore. Target for free day 1 was the Albert Cuyp Market in De Pijp. The market was meh (except the fresh stroopwaffel, get one of those) but the hood was awesome. Reminded me of the NYC LES. Did the same on free afternoon 2 and just wandered Jordaan. My advice is to pick a direction and just walk. It’s a small city. And only took me 20-30 minutes to walk to De Pijp which looks like a haul on a map.
  3. I just got back. Some impressions on AMS: Public transportation is outstanding. Use it. In fact the entirity of AMS infrastructure including the airport is outstanding. Centraal sucks and is full of fat tourists and 20 year olds looking to get shitfaced. The red light district is the worst. It feels like a cross between New Orleans and Boston - but not in a good way. Spend some time there but know what you are getting into. Jordaan and De Pijp are outstanding neighborhoods for walking and embracing the city. The May weather is absurd. Take a canal tour. Dutch food is mediocre but there are gems to be found. Highlights of my trip was the Indonesian food at restaurant Max and the pizza at Sotto. The hoods that these restaurants are in are excellent for walking also. Things in NED are surprisingly cheap. Everyone speaks English and is very friendly. The Heineken brewery tour was the biggest wast of money of my trip. I’m sure I’ll think of some other stuff. All in it is a great place to visit this time of year. Apparently it is not as crowded right now as it gets in the summer.
  4. Don’t they do them at wings and things?
  5. I saw that. Didn’t they technically save the crew. Why so sour?
  6. It’s really not that uncommon. LGA has a similar walk to ride share. As does IND and PHL plus several more that I can’t remember off the top of my head. ORD is close to baggage and it’s a shitshow.
  7. You are coming around... Soon you will be fat like me.
  8. I usually get shot down all over this site. But I think Matt’s is better than EyM simply for consistency I’ve been to EyM maybe 3 times. Two of those times they left my shit in the salamander so fucking long that my cheese enchiladas looked like dog turds and the rice was hard as a rock. I couldn’t believe they would even serve that. But it happened twice.
  9. I don’t think it would cost that much as large parts of that project were under water. But it would not be cheap and there is no way this state supports aesthetics over function
  10. Your mom commited to my single crystal ball last night.
  11. It’s pretty clear he is using meth again
  12. Not doing either one of those things. When I get high I turn into the Hulk. “GB Smash”
  13. Read though this entire thing. I don’t dig pot. Seen plenty museums. I like to eat and drink. Company is sending me to AMS for a week for work in 2 weeks. I have a 2 hour pres on Tues, a 1 hour pres on Friday and a dinner thurs Pm Other than that I don’t have shit to do. I have a corporate card. Where should I eat like the pro that I am.
  14. Not necessarily . You see a lot better technique often. It’s not a bad thing. I’ve stated repeatedly that I am bullish on the kid as a nasty OG or C once the coaches teach him some shit.
  15. Too high. Way too high. Again, this kid needs coaching.
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