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Gardner Barnes

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Everything posted by Gardner Barnes

  1. We (Spurs) didn’t have a ranch day - however I was a rowel the fall after Gabe Higgins died. Back then we had 2 or 3 independents (not including athletes) per Rowel class. So there just weren’t as many of them in the organization back then. As for the hazing, as I said it was generally frat based and out of the purview of the master organization - specifically tap in and tap out. We were also encouraged to drink a shitload of beer at the Spurs concert out of our hats. All those things sucked. It was worth it though - the tabs were fun as shit and there were so many fucking girls because the Cowboys were gone then. I had lots of the sex that fall and Spring
  2. Did you dudes know this place has a FOR REAL MONORAIL?!???? I can’t get the Lyle Laney song out of my head. Maybe my next meeting will be in North Haverbrook
  3. The brand on my hip agrees with you. What I can tell you that In the mid 90s most spur hazing was frat centric. We did have a ranch day but it was pretty benign other than the brand. I know the handlers have some specific shit they do to new handlers but that was about it.
  4. Pretty much describes Mississippi also.
  5. Speaking if USC dumpster fires, did TrojanPrincess ever show back up after that shade about Bru she posted from her version of EJ?
  6. You could have just said he is not going to college to play school.
  7. First thing that came to mind were a bunch of fat Baptists with trump t shirts on eating waffles
  8. Found this story about Fuisz and probably why the Holmes went after him. Not saying it’s right and it appears that the entire Holmes clan is fucked up. Still it probably explains the... bad blood Decent read below. https://www.inc.com/peter-cohan/6-warning-signs-that-elizabeth-holmes-is-trouble-says-psychiatrist-who-has-known-her-since-childhood.html
  9. Yeah. That one sucked. I did laugh pretty hard at the powerpoints though.
  10. Went there for a lax tournament. It’s one giant strip mall for miles and miles.
  11. My favorite day in the history of UT Internetdom was when jt texted me that shaggy was now officially unmoderated. I posted the fist hardcore pron pic and the reactions were hilarious for a few hours. Unfortunately my search history was NOT funny. My wife was trying to find the phone number to Black sheep lodge and when she typed in “black” google auto filled to “black dicks”
  12. Stop being a bitch. Kate makes recruits happen Like any hot as fuck woman - she is a pain in the ass. But she is still hot as fuck.
  13. That plus look for fat potential on the arms and shoulders.
  14. I agree with your intelligence comment. I’d maybe put it 2nd in my workflow. As for footwork, I think that is just an agility measure that would be exposed in my athleticism metric UNLESS you just use shuttle and Vert. If that is I would add some kind of agility test. Interestingly, I don’t think the camps offer a solid agility test.
  15. The problem in evals is that OL is one of the few areas where coaching makes a big difference. Thus kids with better coaching staffs can be coached up, max out, and simply look good for the raters. I’d personally look for a workflow that would look something like this: Height Arm length Hip flexibility - make them squat as deep as they can go and measure how far from the floor their ass is. Anymore more than a few inches is a pass Waist to Hip ratio Some athleticism measure. Shuttle and Vert work. Was the kid a RB? A TE? LB? Yes. Multi sport Signs of aggression. I don’t gaf about how much you can power clean or any kind of coachable metric.
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