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Gardner Barnes

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Everything posted by Gardner Barnes

  1. Upon revisiting the bar fight skit was pretty funny also.
  2. Take it easy on Steel Shank. He was probably thinking about some snatch when he posted this.
  3. Also, he found a cure for ringworm. Which is a scourge amongst cattle and college station
  4. Leal was leaning aggy back in the Sumlin days. This isn’t the case with Broughton
  5. Demas walk on water better than those lizards that walk on water that I saw on the discovery channel. In fact he may be the best I’ve seen at water walking since Jesus
  6. I love her. I know I am in the minority but the things I would do to her.......
  7. True. And spider is the intellectual equivalent of Grimace around here. But shit......
  8. True. But Zoroastrianism discussions are a better than a Spider/SC slap fight. Or anything by future man.
  9. God dammit. Both of you knock it off. My thumb is getting tired of scrolling through 80 lines of of you both finding ways to tell each other to fuck off on multiple threads.
  10. I truly appreciate those of you that listen to this and summarize for the lulz. I tried once and had to tap out at about 3 minutes.
  11. Some long lost father/uncle/brother/ will show up for a few guys here and there.
  12. Can someone post some screenshots of the Fedora thread?
  13. Agree. Worst episode of the season.
  14. Meh. It’s pretty run of the mill cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias. But it’s hilarious to watch nonetheless.
  15. You would think so but he is a legit aggy that peddles insurance in some aggy suburb of Houston
  16. I thought the Instagram couple on weekend update were pretty funny.
  17. Not only that but she is an absolute smoke show. That singing and painting set was incredible. I had never heard of her either.
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