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Gardner Barnes

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Everything posted by Gardner Barnes

  1. Try to imagine how fucking annoying these nerds are to seniors in high school. Think back to December of your senior year in HS. What were you interested in? For me it was finding ways to buy beer and fuck. When I was being recruited the letter alone were overwhelming. I can’t imagine letters + DMs + other digital touches + fucking recruiting”gurus”.
  2. Random rants: His dad’s shirt is horrible. I don’t want to be that guy - but I have seen so many of these small town want to be big city types at both my kid’s tournaments. They just don’t quite pull it off. They also probably over cheer. You want to strangle them if their kid is on the other team. $1000 they get divorced when the last kid is out of the house. She wants rose wine and black dick.
  3. Yeah. Dude. Come on. Do t want to be a hater, but that question made me think you were trolling us.
  4. All I see in that picture is someone’s mom that I had last night.
  5. I agree with you. The backups are better passers but less mobile.
  6. Good kid for the most part. I feel bad for him - happened on a late hit. A kid from Vela piled on.
  7. The WL starting QB is out for the season. Broken fibula.
  8. Seriously. All depravity jokes aside, it’s absurdly immersive and the attention to detail is incredible. I’m also playing on 4K and it is very much worth it.
  9. Im super biased since he and my daughter are close friends That said the family is very pro UT.
  10. Ha. World leaders are literally 7th grade girls.
  11. She always looks good in an arm candy way. Brooke looks good in more of a buy her a drink and break the headboard kind of way.
  12. I wanted to catch up quickly so I turned on CNN just now. Damn Brooke Baldwin looks DTF today.
  13. Good thing UNC Med school is strong in geriatric medicine.
  14. The current WL freshman QB is a monster. The three in front of him (two Jrs and a Senior) are baseball first guys.
  15. Ha. So you just like games at House Park. Well. You got me there. Can’t beat that stadium.
  16. WL needed a Nakia Watson last minute miracle to beat Vandy last year. The chaps embarrassed Bowie this year (and last year) in a game where Higgins was ejected for too many personal fouls. I don’t think much of aisd and I wish we could pick and choose a district that is better for everyone with Vandy and perhaps some of the RR schools. Alas, we are stuck with games against the like of Akins and Del Valle for the next year at least.
  17. Vandy is much better than Bowie (and a definite upgrade in VB) - they are 12-0 this year. They are a growing power - the entire area they draw from is very similar to WL and LT 2018 Bowie is what we can expect from them going forward IMO.
  18. This game brings out the depravity. That said - I did not know you get to the wanted dead or alive level. You must have done some fucked up shit because I only got a $15 bounty for throwing a hogtied lady on the train tracks in the middle of Saint Denis (thanks for whomever posted that above)
  19. Westlake’s district is an absolute joke. It’s hard to know how good WL is or isn’t because they haven’t played anyone outside of LT who is just as suspect. My daughter plays VB at WL and it’s the same thing there. I wish WL was still in a district with the Austin Northern suburbs. The level of competition in most sports from AISD just sucks and the WL VB team was completely unprepared for a team that punched them in the mouth once they got to the playoffs. I figure the FB team is due the same reckoning at some point.
  20. Send me an invite please Gardner Barnes
  21. Send me an invite. Gardner Barnes
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