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Gardner Barnes

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Everything posted by Gardner Barnes

  1. Correct. Looks legal to me.
  2. WL winning 35-0 with 4mins left in the second quarter.
  3. They do that all the time. If you have any status whatsoever tell them that and go to the far right preferred line. If you are precheck the will then send you to the precheck scanner after checking your ID. It’s a sneaky way to cut the precheck line also. I do it every week now.
  4. The same girl that called you a pussy a few pages back
  5. true but not universally. Lake Travis had one of the worst coached OL I have seen in person over the last 2 years. They do not adjust to simple stunts and slants particularly well.
  6. It's still pretty common and a major reason why 9.95ers don't know shit about OL prospects. For example, hand placement at the high school level is terrible and thus oversized OL tend to get overrated. That said, Center play is improving and pass blocking is a bit above average both as a result of the prevalence of 7 on 7 and the need for a OL call directed by the C rather than a set scheme.
  7. My new favorite sociopath activity is to hogtie people and throw them near a gator in the swamp. It literally bites their head off. Then I shoot the gator There is clearly something wrong with me
  8. Don’t want no shit don’t start no shit
  9. Just got paid has a better riff
  10. This. The areas near the student section are ridiculously fun now. Mo Bamba has those kids energized. My 14 year old daughter loved it too. Kids love that stuff - and kids are also the one that cheer loud. Make them happy and keep them engaged. Who cares what the olds love.
  11. Let’s talk attention to detail: I stumbled on that creepy pig farm sooner couple who got me drunk, robbed me, and left me for dead in some pit with “mother”. Fuck off sooners. I went back to the house, hog tied the wife and executed the fuck out of the fat dude. Then I carried the wife - bitching and screaming the entire time to the pit with “mother” with the intention to execute her there. When I throw her in she starts screaming “no no. Not with mother”. Wow. I mean there are so many ways to take that couple down but they still managed to thought through: “what if she is hog tied and thrown in the pit”
  12. That is a good quote. Reads like his head is here and heart at USC.
  13. That was flat out garbage. The PF at the end of the game was inexcusable.
  14. I laughed at “can’t lie to Santa”
  15. I saw hookfin in the concourse. I’m not a small guy and he dwarfed me. He is huge and very long. If he can put on weight and has good hips then watch out.
  16. Right, but I still dont understand why anyone would let a batshit crazy stalker be involved with the program in any capacity. edit: aggy, duh. but still.... even they cant be this stupid.
  17. Exactly. A five star at another school thinks he’s the crap. A five star at bama is just another guy and is having to beat out 3 more guys that were ranked just as high. oach Saban apparently has a unique and semi-proprietary method of evaluating recruits. This was mentioned when he alluded to coaches leaving his employ to coach elsewhere, and taking his system of evaluation with them. If you had a way of testing a recruit to see the level of his physical and or mental maturity, you could do a lot of things with lesser ranked recruits. But beyond that, read Clinton-Dix's comments on "the process." It is enlightening. In the series of videos prior to the season that showed the Bama practices, I was amazed at how organized and intense the Bama practices were. Saban was on top of every detail and made the players and coaches get it right. Of course, having top talent is key, but getting everybody on the same page and executing things in a manner that gives you the best chance of success is what sets Saban apart from most coaches. -I'm actually a good person to answer this. I used to be in the strength and conditioning field and was involved in the program during the late Shula early Saban era. Also am familiar with a bunch of programs good and bad at different levels(having worked at several before doing something else with my life). The answer is simple. Saban runs a program like a good company runs its business. I'm sure some have read the book "The E-Myth" which talks about running even small businesses like a turn-key big company. This is how Saban runs Alabama. It is a never failing, always consistent, turn-key operation. Ive never seen any other school run anything similar on a consistent basis. The first year at Bama, Saban went to Tommy Moffitt(whom LSU fans stupidly want to run off) and asked him to come be the strength coach at Bama. He refused but sent Cochran, his assistant, instead. Saban wanted to change the culture immediately and permanently so he instructed Cochran to read the program's creed loudly before every single workout in the weight room(which he did every damn time). He has a plan and procedure for everything. At other programs countless amounts of time and effort are wasted contemplating decisions and actions that are always pre-made at Alabama. While you and your coaches are debating x and y, having meetings other this and that, Alabama coaches are miles ahead. While your players are waiting on your coaches to figure things out, Bama's players have received hours and hours of more, well organized instruction. While your program is wasting precious amounts of limited time on "changing the culture" Bama never missed a beat and is miles ahead with better athletes and coaches. There is a manual and a procedure for operation and it is followed. Saban has been at Alabama for over a decade while other teams have run through failed coach after failed coach, having to restart the some old process of "changing culture" year after year and having the same problems of being miles behind. I havent seen anything behind the curtains at UGA but I can only assume Kirby has been the only one able to check his ego enough to fully devote his program to the process enough to get it running at an Alabama level. He was there long enough, and cant deny it works better than anything he can personally come up with. Ego does more coaches in than anything else and Saban is better at checking his ego than any other coach out there. You may say "bu bu but...I've seen him do this and that argue with coaches..etc etc." Saban had a successful formula of a monstrous front 7 3-4 defense and power rushing attack with game manager QBs. It worked and was working well...yet he scrapped it and adapted as the game did. How many other less successful coaches have rode their ships straight into the ground because they refused to admit their brilliant formula which was once successful couldn't cut it anymore? (looking at you LSU and Auburn) In many ways, Saban is similar to Bear Bryant who also scrapped a system that had won him multiple championships to install the Wishbone in 1971. So many coaches are so competitive and have such high egos that they cant accept that its the players that must win them games, not their brilliant coaching ability. This is why you see so many "athletes" at QB who have to look over at the sideline to get every single read for them because their coach cant stop trying to play his team like a video game. The best coaches realize they have to coach like hell until game time...and then let go and let the players do their thing. Tons of you are gonna say I'm full of shite...I'm not. Studying coaching methods and programs was an obsession of mine for a long time and I saw a lot of programs up close and personal. I was most able to really appreciate what Saban did at Alabama when I started my own business... Hope this helps some of you understand. -Gus Malzahn's greatest nemesis may be his intellect. I truly believe hes is very smart, maybe the smartest in the SEC. He did some incredible things by going back and adapting some of the early football offenses(which were probably more advanced than today's offenses) to the modern game and dominating with it. He single handedly caused Saban to divert the direction of the Alabama program. I haven't seen much behind the curtains at Auburn, so you Auburn fans know much more than I do but if I had to guess, he is just being too stubborn with personnel and the offense. When the pieces fall together, they can be all but unstoppable but when they aren't all there, he apparently is just not gonna adapt. Its my only guess for the roller coaster ride you see at Auburn every few seasons. -Alabama's player evaluation models, strength program, player development/practice manuals are sitting in almost every football program in the country. -He demands perfection from his coaches more than his players. He holds everyone accountable for what happens in games and practices. -% of 5 stars drafted in first round ..Bama 48.3% ...Rest of college football 17%. -A few years back, I read an article about these manuals that Saban wrote that are position-specific and body type-specific, and are pretty thick. It lays out a diet and exercise regimen, sleep regimen, etc. There was a daily thought or quote included that the player was encouraged to reflect on. Each player got a manual and were expected to live it. I'm guess our head coach is familiar and fully aware of Saban's techniques, since he's apparently doing something right. https://www.secrant.com/rant/sec-football/what-makes-saban-so-much-better-at-player-development-than-all-other-coaches/79961067/ "% of 5 stars drafted in first round ..Bama 48.3% ...Rest of college football 17%." That is amazing
  18. Ive read back a few pages and discovered that crazy Karen is involved with recruiting to some extent, perhaps a bag lady. If this is indeed the case, why take that chance? She is a nut and is a potential liability.
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