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Gardner Barnes

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Everything posted by Gardner Barnes

  1. Daughter’s lacrosse practice got moved indoors. Should be a shitshow.
  2. Username checks out
  3. True. But does he have strong Polynesian ties?
  4. Go back and rep this man
  5. It’s no He Hate Me, but I’ll take it.
  6. Cross posting this from the ACL thread because it is classic aggy. I worked ACL this weekend as a bartender in the Beer Hall where the TVs were. For the most part I was moving product back and forth from inventory to the line. Thus, I was often very close to the TVs. Here is my reponse to Chad Fuck's post Hahahaha. That was the manager. That said, I was the one they were bitching at - big bearded guy. You wouldn’t believe the shit I heard. “How come you have the tu game on”“Aggy is more important than playoff baseball”And seriously....“We are in the sec”I also had a pair of Georgia fans offer me $100 to put on GA/LSU. While they were standing there talking to me (and I was seriously considering it) the 15th aggy came up to me and asked me to change it. GA fan to aggy —- “no one cares about your games”. I seriously chortled. Aggy lady’s mouth dropped open. At which point she tried another tactic/“power.move”. She said she was offended that we scanned the guide and they she saw a lesbian porn title. Said she will call C3 and it will “cost me my job”. Seriously.
  7. Also some EDM band - Illuminati or something had a HUGE crowd that was totally into it on the smaller corner stage on Sunday. From where we were standing It sounded great.
  8. Great summary. That “babe I’m gonna leave you” cover had us rocking in the beer tent. Very solid. Told y’all about The Revolution. They and Chvrches were the highlight of the weekend for me.
  9. Yes. Well not sure if by production party you mean the VIP party. But...yes. Festival was outstanding. Will work again.
  10. Here is a game of ACL bartender bingo some of the girls came up with.
  11. Because he sucks. It’s still quite warm.
  12. She said this title was “busty lesbians”. She got real mad when I rolled my eyes and told her she should write a letter of complaint.
  13. Hahahaha That was the manager. That said, I was the one they were bitching at - big bearded guy. You wouldn’t believe the shit I heard. “How come you have the tu game on” “Aggy is more important than playoff baseball” And seriously.... “We are in the sec” I also had a pair of Georgia fans offer me $100 to put on GA/LSU. While they were standing there talking to me (and I was seriously considering it) the 15th aggy came up to me and asked me to change it. GA fan to aggy —- “no one cares about your games”. I seriously chortled. Aggy lady’s mouth dropped open. At which point she tried another tactic/“power.move”. She said she was offended that we scanned the guide and they she saw a lesbian porn title. Said she will call C3 and it will “cost me my job”. Seriously. I suppose I should post this on the tell me about aggy page also...
  14. God of War is such a great game. I finished it including killing all the Valkeries. I hope there is an expansion pack or something.
  15. Snuck into the VIP tent with my staff band for Metallica. View wise, and bar wise the VIP pass is the way to go. Too bad it was filled with doichenozzles who wanted to talk the whole time.
  16. Now have heard multiple people in the beer tent praise last week’s show from the revolution.
  17. He is a troll. Best not to feed him.
  18. Same happened last year - the WL DL mauled the LT OL. Poor OL play in a large 6A school is not a function of talent and bodies. The problem is some combo of coaching, scheme, and conditioning.
  19. Lol Saw some hilariously sad LT football dads at HEB on CapofTex just now. Was that you LH94?
  20. Ahh yes. The old dude at the college bar looking at the girls . Not creepy at all.
  21. It was insanity. Loud as fuck and we couldn’t get the beer out fast enough. As for what I saw from the bar- Brockhamptom Friday night. Fun rap group that had the crowd moving. I believe they are from the Uk As mentioned above - St Vincent Also the first band on Sunday - Shame brought a bad ass Green Day vibe and fucking rocked a shitty time slot. Metallica was insane.
  22. I work in the craft beer tent. Heard it loud and clear. It indeed sounded great.
  23. Is a Filipino slap fight a real thing? And is it awesome? Because I’ll be honest with you, it sounds awesome.
  24. I worked the craft beer tent today. I’ve never worked so fucking hard in my life. I’m BEAT
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