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Gardner Barnes

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Everything posted by Gardner Barnes

  1. I loled at the fortnite skit. Mostly because that was exactly what my character looked like the first time I played it with my kids in the room.
  2. You’ll get nothing and like it!!
  3. Correct. Texmati has a very distinct flavor as well. As does that very specific Louisiana brand of rice that is served with Cajun/Creole food.
  4. This is where I do anaerobic work: https://atomic-athlete.com
  5. Thought I would chime in here. I’m a big man. just for perspective - 6’3” 245 puts me at about 12% body fat. This is where I was in 2007. Well over the last 10 years I had slowly ballooned to 335. Recently I had a few scares including spots on my pancreas (benign) and thyroid (not benign). This summer I had my thyroid removed and as a result had to start seeing an endocrinologist. The day of my first appointment I walked into the office and was shocked at what I saw: hugely fat sick men and women, some with walkers, one with a piss bag, one missing a foot all struggling to breathe. “Is this who I am?” I thought to myself. So I see my doctor - while I now call Dr Intimidating. She tells me in no uncertain terms that unless I want to be like the rest of her patients I need to make some changes immediately. In her words “I no longer have a runway”. I try to make a joke and she does not laugh. Whoah. So this was June 30th. That day I was 331 lbs. Today I am 290, down to 24% body fat. I stopped drinking - very much a challenge since I usually polished off a bottle of wine every day - sometimes more. I eat one cheat meal on Saturday pm. I avoid processed foods , and started cooking dinner for my family to make sure I stay on track and avoid going out as much as possible - we used to eat out 4-5x/week. I do pretty hardcore anaerobic work 4x a week (1hour) and aerobic work 5x a week (30m on anaerobic days and 60 on non anaerobic days) I feel amazing. Better than I have in 10 years. I wake up on am and Sun am thankful I don’t have a hangover. I have a long way to go - goal is 240, but I’m halfway there in 3 months and figure in 9 months I should hit my goal.
  6. Oh. And this makes John Oliver pretty much whatcha TV on Sunday.
  7. I missed it too. But I’ll watch Don Lemon tonight for the lulz. That motherfucker is going to have a field day.
  8. After watching this I have to wonder if Shack will be an upgrade at C when he comes back.
  9. Can talk open the clan? Or give me a time when you can so I can rejoin. I’m having fun playing this low level account. The name is “cake”
  10. I love how in the first video no one is trying to break it up at all. Plus some guy is yelling "get his ass". The beating was obviously deserved.
  11. i cleared my cache in your mom
  12. Why not both?
  13. That or some kind of distraction. I’m guessing he goes after illegals in Arizona or some shit.
  14. I bought and downloaded last night. I’m pretty excited to get after this one. Good timing also because I finally beat the last Valkyrie on God of War this weekend.
  15. I’ve been ducking around playing a free account to regaining a feel for the game. I think I’ve got it - ran a level 6 up to 1500 trophies with the newb deck (giant musky etc). Started to run into too many wizards. I’m so f-ed when I flip accounts however - there are a ton of new characters Some ghost dude A guy that shoots lasers A slew of pink shmoos with crowns A line of dudes that seem to serve no purpose whatsoever A guy that jumps around and dry humps the tower. Lulz. Wtf. I was playing some 2v2 game and the ghost guy and laser guy killed me.
  16. business travel means company pays for parking. The garage reserved parking is way faster and more convenient than getting on a bus for the off site places. If I was paying for parking I would definitely do offsite.
  17. Not surprised by these numbers. The airport was an absolute shitshow this summer - just unbearably bad. At times I felt like I was in Ohare. I will say that the new reserved garage parking is the shit. Totally worth the extra $4 a day or whatever. #shaggy1percent
  18. I was watching that as well. My take is that “he won I lost” response was just a way to avoid saying “I was wrong”. Which is what Blitzer (I think) was trying to get him to say. Graham is a smart politician. He isn’t going to put himself in a box of absolutes.
  19. I’ll be shocked if this clip and he clip of the guy going “wat” aren’t a lead on John Oliver when he comes back next week.
  20. ^ That last sentence is why we are doomed to go down w the Trumpers. See here is the thing. I don’t necessarily think that is true. I just finished a trip to Vegas for a FF draft for a league I have been in since college. Most of us are in our mid 40s and are all generally productive members of society. Out of 12, one is extremely liberal, 2 or 3 (myself included) skew left center, 6 skew right center, and 2 are hard core trumpkins. Well long story short, I had a very productive discussion with one of the Trumpkins who is also a long time friend. While it is true that he goes off the deep end a bit because he is convinced that the FBI and CIA decide who is going to be president and in his words “trump upset the apple cart”, he can also carry on a respectful conversation about what is inportant and what isn’t. To him what is important - the Supreme Court and Tax Cuts. Also he is a protectionist. What isn’t - social programs, China, global hegemony. No matter what I do or say, I’m not going to adjust those core beliefs. As such we will never agree. But we CAN talk about it - and I’m convinced most Trumpkins can as well. TL/DR - we aren’t screwed.
  21. you aren’t following the rules SPACE FORCE!!!
  22. Motherfucking Cargo shorts on the mother fucking plane
  23. Or....maybe he is the last of the famous international playboys?
  24. This is relevant I suppose. And kinda funny.
  25. I ate at the one in Dillon CO (or that general area) with my daughter just this past June. That place was awesome. Needs locations in Texas.
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