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Gardner Barnes

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Everything posted by Gardner Barnes

  1. Indeed. I figured someone would post that stupidity here as soon as I read it.
  2. Haha. He schooled the OL number 209. That dude tried to anticipate an outside rush and He took 209 to town and would have decapitated 209’s Qb. Awesome.
  3. KimJongUn: .. https://twitter.com/nowthisnews/status/1006391606629621761
  4. Leslie Pool: doesn’t matter what you people think.
  5. I just read a stat that the rail to DIA from downtown denver has an 89% on time rate. Assume a similar rate for an Austin rail to ABIA, are you willing to potentially miss your flight 10% of the time? I used to take the MARTA from the Brookhaven station to ATL. The tip would sometimes take more than an hour - in the middle of the day when there was little traffic on the connector. Likewise the Blue line from ORD to downtown also often takes longer than a trip in a car - including parking. Fuck that - it's not worth the investment IMO.
  6. [emoji91][emoji91][emoji91][emoji91][emoji91][emoji91][emoji91][emoji91][emoji91]
  7. Hahahahaha JenniferLawrenceOK.gif
  8. I’d wager quote a few senators can’t stand the motherfucker, but aren’t ready to retire yet. I’m holding that once McCain and Corker are out of the picture that someone else will stand up and be the voice of reason.
  9. Are we even allowed to use this “lit” emoji outside the station?[emoji91][emoji91][emoji91]?
  10. I really don’t know why y’all worry about this kind of stuff - the proof is down the road in a few years. Losing good kids to OU and Stanford = sucks. Poor rankings of dudes we know are good = who gives a fuck. Other than your mom who gave me a fuck last night and called me her tall iced latte
  11. Seems like an easy cop out for the Trumpkins when he does some dipshit stuff huh?
  12. I’m watching the Vienna No Reservations episode right now. It’s pretty amazing how much darker Bordain’s shows became over the years. Personally I enjoy the more journalistic aspect of his Parts Unknown/CNN days more, however these NR eps are entertaining. They are light and funny. I wonder if his editing was reflective of CNN giving him more freedom to be a journalist and the Travel Channel wanting more of a Travel and Food host. Or if he just got darker over the years and the edits accurately reflect his psyche.
  13. I had a feeling it had something to do with her. Thier relationship in the Rome episode edited or not, was almost uncomfortable and seemed a bit 1 way.
  14. I had to look up what “Care Bear Stare” meant. Care-Bear-Stare The often intimidating gaze of undivided lust issued by a gay man towards his prey. Characteristics include upright posture, an inflated chest, a forward-titled head, upward gaze and nothing less than a Mona Lisa smile. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=care%20bear%20stare
  15. How many people told you what to do today? Go get my coffee. And get your shine box. Beta.
  16. Pot met kettle. Except pot is the dumbest most beta motherfucker on Surly.
  17. If I was a top 100 I’d commit early and shut the shit down. If I got a bunch of calls from fucking dorks like Hamm and EJ the summer before my senior year I’d be pissed. When I was going through the process, the only calls I got were from coaches and the DMN. And never on my personal line. Granted I was not a top 100 or anything, but the DMN called once during dinner and my dad said only call on saturdays between 2-6. And they respected that. This is insane.
  18. I’ve never followed this shit before. All this recruiting hemming and hawing is exhausting - not sure how you all go so deep into this process and not get exasperated. Btw your moms let me go deep into thier processes last night. They were not exasperated.
  19. That’s EXACTY what happened. #dotards #hannity
  20. UH in the big 12 hurts Texas - I guess?
  21. 6’1” at C is not a deal killer. Depends on arm length. His hips swivel really well in that video.
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