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Gardner Barnes

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Everything posted by Gardner Barnes

  1. Nope. From my inside sales rep. You gun assholes are going to lose this battle eventually.
  2. This hits close to home because my inside sales rep...
  3. Not if she is gypsy.. https://media0.giphy.com/media/TD3ivnaRC3Xe8/giphy.gif
  4. That makes the north easier to win since Army/Navy is the week of the CCG and thus they won’t participate
  5. You put me on the defensive a bit here. I think I stated this way up above but the room is not a HT. It is for the kids and is why I keep calling it a media room. Now that they are teens it’s purpose is to get them out of my living room when they have friends over. This is why everything in there is midrange and not for blowing the paint off the walls movie watching. It will have video games and shit like that. We currently have 2 TVs in the house and when they have other kids spend the night which at this point is almost every weekend night, I get banished to my bedroom unless I want to watch stupid ass vampire movies and Riverdale. Anyway - scale is poor in that pic. Wall is 14’ from tv screen. Eyeball to TV will be about 12’ with a back to the couch. Obviously closer than I would like but not much more I can do with the space. I appreciate your advice and obvious AV expertise. could do without the AVRex Kramerism though.
  6. Can’t believe both team captains touched the conference trophies.
  7. Gotten awfully quiet in Amalie
  8. All that bluster by TB. Yet 2 shots by the caps. 1 goal. If this was a Hawks game I’d start feeling that we were fucked right about now.
  9. HOLY SHIT Tom Wilson is a bad motherfucker
  10. Ouch. That’ll leave a mark. No way I have the guts to dive into a slap shot like that.
  11. He is the Chuck Norris of football players.
  12. Ray’s steakhouse on Guadalupe was fucking awesome and the owners was nice as hell. It was a little before it’s time. Had he opened in 2009 rather than 1999 the steakhouse would be thriving today. (Yes I know the owner died in 2010)
  13. Weird ass location that used to be a Dickey’s is my guess.
  14. No shit. I fucking hate those commercials.
  15. Your mom was informative and fun last night
  16. Do I need to add the isolation pads for the sub (also in the cabinet) and that center? Also. Got the Hue lights and chandelier in
  17. I won’t change your mind, but I spend a LOT of time in Los Angeles. Austin feels like a backwater berg when I get home Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. I get you. They seem too close together to me as well. However, to play devils advocate you could easily say Shogun world is at a higher elevation. The scenery reminds me of Northern Arizona. It can get damn cold in Flagstaff - which is only 30 miles or so from Sedona.
  19. so the consensus on Banks is more of this, right?
  20. dude, come on. Austin is a major city, but it is not even in the same universe as Los Angeles. The perks a talented USC player can get in that city are unmatched anywhere.
  21. I think the Westworld team thought he woke up as well - because he was not supposed to raid the town. However when they saw the leak they realized he was just broken Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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